22- She's sputtering! alec's Just A Friend!

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>Elise POV<

I lifted the big flower pot we keep at the entrance of the house and dug out my spare key from under. After the incident of me forgetting the key at Alec's house, I had decided to keep a spare out under the pot. A cliche move yes. I unlocked the door and went inside. I could hear the faint hum of the T.V. Aunt Gen must be in the den. I peeked in. Aunt Gen was there with her boyfriend Damien. Damien is a great great person and seriously awesome to be around. He played with me a lot when I was a toddler and basically I have known him for a long time now and I wonder sometimes why Aunt Gen isn't married to him yet. I waved hi.

"Heyyy kiddo! Long time no see huh?" Damien walked over to me and hugged me.

"Yep." I said once he left me. "Ellie's not a kiddo any more Dami! She has a boyfriend now." Aunt Gen wiggled her eyebrows at me from the couch. I exaggerated my sigh.

"She's just sputtering. I have no boyfriend. Alec's a friend." I put an emphasis on friend but I felt my stomach flip when I said Alec's name. Damien laughed and ruffled my hair and sat on the couch, putting an arm around Gen. They looked so cute together. Well I'll leave them to it then and rushed upstairs to my room. I quickly took a hot shower and slipped into my tank top and shorts. While I stood in front of the mirror, brushing my hair, my mind wandered to tonight. It was such funnn. Oh and the sunroof! I had never ever done a sunroof before and the experience was amazing!! Understatement! I closed my eyes briefly. Again, I had never had so much fun. I wondered what I would have been doing if not for Alec. Probably studying for the biology quiz tomorrow? Oh crap! I had completely forgotten about the quiz! Shit. I took out my books and sat at my study table, a place where I had spent more time at then even my bed once! I really tried concentrating but Alec's face kept swimming in front  of my eyes. I couldn't help it. I had started spending more time with him than my two best friends! Even I couldn't deny that I was actually having a lot more fun. Not to mention Alec made me feel different. More bold and just something else. I really loved being around him. But was that it or was there something more? Oh my god. No. I wasn't going to lose the game. And I didn't feel anything...right? Oh just admit it. You feel different with him. And that different was something more than friends. Anyways Alec didn't think like that of me. He had a million girls at his beck and call who would give him what he wanted readily. 

Suddenly my phone beeped interrupting me from my mental blabbering. I picked it up and again felt disappointment slither through me as I had been hoping it was a message from Alec. It was Maci. Oh Christ.

Maci- Where the hell wer u?! U left in d middle of d movie? Not cool. It was supposed to be our day!

Me- I am so sorry. But I had forgotten about Alec's tutoring..and had to rush. Sorry.

MAci- Oooo. I see huh! ;3

Me- Ok bye coz i need to study for the damn Bio quiz! Ttyl!

Maci- K!

I kept my phone aside and started studying, trying hard not to think about my crush on Alec.

Yep. I was screwed. I had a crush on the badass. Ugh! I slumped on the desk.


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