Chapter 1

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Later that morning around seven o'clock Hanna woke in a daze rubbing her eyes and running a hand through her hair she felt like what happened only hours ago was only a dream. She hoped that it was, but wished that it wasn't. Slowly making her way out of bed she pulled on a pair of pants that were laying at the end of her bed and her boots to walk down and grab a coffee from the cafe down the street. She needed and didn't feel like making it herself. She grabbed her phone, wallet, and keys before walking out of the apartment. She made it out of the apartment building and started walking down the street when she stopped having to do a double take. Right in front of the apartment building was the mustang, broken windows and all. She looked at it in shock, how did it get there? She knew that Dylan hadn't called in a tow truck and she surely didn't, no one else knew that it was out there; she mind was racing as she saw a white piece of paper under the windshield wiper.

Now you owe me one; how about a date? Tonight, I'll pick you up at 7. Wear something casual. -Tyler

Hanna stood there in shock for a minute looking at the note. He had her car towed, he paid for it. Tyler helped her once again. But why? What was so special about her? Why was he trying, they hardly knew each other. Well he knew slightly more than what she knew about him, that's besides the point, they knew truly nothing about each other.

Feeling no need for coffee anymore Hanna turned walking back into the apartment building and into her apartment where Dylan walked out into the living room with a confused look on his face. "How did the stang get outside?" He asked. Hanna almost asked how he knew but remembered that his window looked at the parking lot.

"The guy who saved me last night got it towed here..." She said still thinking about the note. "I owe him now, so he asked me on a date. Tonight, at seven." Hanna was in a complete daze. She couldn't believe it.

"Who even is this guy?" Dylan asked.

"I don't exactly know..." Hanna shook her head trying to focus on Dylan more. "Anyways, what are your plans for the day?"

"T-Pose is coming over in like half an hour to hang out. So if you don't want him to see you naked again I suggest taking your shower now." Dylan told her a smirk on his face.

"That was your fault! You told him that it was okay to use the bathroom when you knew it wasn't!" Hanna exclaimed shoving past her cousin.

"You love me! And I figured that you two would get along great!" Dylan laughed.

"No, I fucking hate you so much right now!" Hanna yelled slamming the bathroom door. She did love him, but she hated him at the same time. Dylan was more like a brother or best friend over her cousin no matter what she knew she could never get rid of him, Dylan was... Well Dylan, there wasn't much to say about him.

Hanna sighed turning on the shower and turning on her music connecting it to the bluetooth. She smiled as the music filled the room. Now she could be at peace, even if it was just for a short time. She didn't have to think about Dylan, the mustang, her date tonight... Her date tonight. No she could worry about that later, she had the whole day to get ready for that.

Her shower didn't last as long as she would have liked it too when Dylan started to bang on the bathroom door saying that T-Pose was on his way up the stairs. Hanna rushed to get out of the shower and into her bedroom when hearing the front door open. "T-Pose!" Dylan shouted, Hanna knew that they were bro hugging. It wasn't even really bro hugging, it was just hugging that they tried to make manly and it didn't work. "Dude, it never takes you so little time to get there, were you in the neighborhood or something?"

"Nah, Hoechlin gave me a ride." Hanna stopped looking for clothes as she heard those words leave Tyler's mouth. There had to be plenty of people with the last name Hoechlin, it surely wasn't extremely common, but there had to be people with it. It's like saying O'Brien is an uncommon name when it really isn't.

"Got it. So, video games?" Dylan laughed.

"You know it." Hanna sighed looking at her closet, her mind was racing, thinking about the date, her car, she couldn't stop thinking.

"Hanna! Come watch me kick Tyler's ass at video games!" Dylan shouted sounding overly confident. They both sucked at video games, they were lucky when they killed the other in Call of Duty and other games that they liked to play.

"Kick my ass? Dude she could kick your ass! And mine!" Tyler exclaimed knowing that the last time they played video games, Hanna beat them with ease and there was no denying it.

Dylan said something that Hanna couldn't understand making her laugh. He was surely pouting like a small child knowing that his best friend was right. Hanna smiling slightly loving when the two of them got together, Dylan always seemed to be so worried about her lately, having Tyler around made it seem like Dylan didn't have to worry. Though Hanna seemed to be the least of Hanna's worries most days.

"If you would like for me to kick your asses I can do that normally, no video games needed." Hanna said walking into the living room where the boys sat trying to beat another team who were royally kicking their asses. "How are you T? Causing any trouble?" She asked giving him a hug and kissing his cheek. He was like an older brother to her most days, she's never had a problem with him. He was there for her when her dad passed away when Dylan couldn't be. She called Tyler right after calling Dylan when he passed.

"You know the normal amount. Nothing too crazy." Tyler laughed as he was shot down.

"I didn't expect much else. So what's on the agenda today boys?" Hanna walked into the kitchen grabbing an apple from the fruit bowl.

"For us, nothing." Dylan said as he was killed once again looking ready to throw his controller into the wall. "But don't you have a date that you need to start getting ready for?"

"Date? Who's the lucky guy?" Tyler asked setting down his controller. He looked at Hanna who stood in the door frame that lead between the kitchen and living room. Though she and everyone else liked to call it an apartment, it was more like a loft; old brick, wood banisters, it was old and rustic, Hanna liked it that way and when Dylan said that he was moving in with her after her dad passed the old look of the place quickly grew on him.

"He saved me last night. As you can see the stang isn't looking good right now." Hanna sighed looking over at the window.

"Name please." Both boys said standing to their feet acting like overly protective older brothers. They crossed their arms over their chests raising their eyebrows at her. She copied their options smirking at them.

"For me to know and you too probably not. It's one date, nothing else. I wasn't even really asked, just kind of told."

"Even more reason for you to give us his name."

"Not happening. Why are you guys so worried?" Hanna rolled her eyes starting to walk away from them.

"Because we care about you, we just want to protect you so will you please let us?" Dylan sighed taking a step closer to her.

"You two are the first people that I call when I'm in trouble, don't worry." She weakly smiled at them.

"Last night you didn't."

"I didn't have phone service. If I could have, I would have. I have things to do before I go out tonight. Don't break anything."

"Hanna," Trying to walk away she turned to look at Tyler who gave her a weak smile. "You promise? If anything happens, and I mean anything happens, you will call us?" Something in the tone of his voice as he said those words made Hanna feel uneasy, like something was going to happen.

"I promise." She nodded before leaving them to their video games and whatever else they were going to do. The feeling that something strange was going to happen was still hanging around Hanna as she walking into her room. The two boys had the older brother act down, but what were they trying to protect her from?

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