*Oh no...*

I open the door fast and it slams against the wall.

"What?!" I yell at whoever is playing this music.

It's my dad. (YOU got it!! Here's some candy)

He jumps from his seat and looks so scared as if the police broke down his door and saying that he's arrested.

He turns down the music," What are you doing here?"

I look at him in disbelief, "Huh?" I point at the radio next to him and then at him.

My dad's ears turn red,"Uhh...your mother decided to go to the store with your brother so....this music helps me concentrate..."

I give his a sarcastic cough," Right."









"Yeah..." He gesters me to leave the room.


I leave and close the door behind me.

"Sure..." I hear dad say.

Now that's awkward...

I walk to my room and open THAT door.

To find a boy laying down on my bed shirtless and has a pillow on his face.


I panic and close the door. Then I reopen it.

He's still there.

I do it again. And again. Again.





He's still THERE.


Am I hallucinating??

Tell me great rebel...am I hallucinating?

*I don't think soo..*


I am.

That's cool...












"STOP!Please let me sleep."

"Omigosh...I'm hallucinating!! I'm not on drugs!!" I open the door and go in and close it with a lock.


"Who are you? What are you doing here? How did you find this? Why are you...like that?! On my bed??"

This is weird.

I hope you never experience what I do.

Because this is strange.

"Sorry." Was all he said and closed his eyes.


I blink a few times.

"Stop staring at me." He open one eye.

A green eye too.

He looks like those summer boys with a tan and brown hair.

"Oh right...I forgot to introduce myself...my name is Peter." He gets up and and offers his hand to shake.

I look at him and stay close to the wall.


" I said my name i--"

"Yes yes. I heard you now answer my questions."

"Too bad. I just found this nice bed and decided to take a rest." He rolls his eyes and crosses his arms.

He makes me feel stupid.

More than I am already.

I caught myself looking at his chest and how shape-ish it was.

Feel me?

I wasn't checking him out or anything. Just looking and observing.

He has a scar on the side of his neck and on his lip.

He smirks.

Oh no! I'm embarrassed! Hurry! Look away. Look away.

"How did you find this place?"

He doesn't reply right away.

"Window was open." He said like if that was so obvious. Ugh his nerve.

"So you decide to jump in? Who does that?" I cross my arms on my chest.

He steps on step closer to me,"Me. But I'm afraid I will have to go soon."

"Shew!Leave!" I sway my hand away for him to leave.

He turns around and heads toward the window.

Then he looks back and gives a lopsided smile,"I'll be back, Sara."

And with that he leaves out of the window.

"Don't!! How do you know my name!?"

I look out the window but he is already gone. 

Do Not Read This BookOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora