#2: How You Two Met

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NIALL: You were walking down the streets of London for the very first time ever while looking at a map trying to find the way back to your hotel. You weren;t paying attention so it wawsn't much of a surprise to you when you ran into someone; he managed to catch you before you fell which was good but when you looked up your were really surprised at who you saw. Niall Horan. You managed to not scream which is good but you were also just staring at him which was probably really creepy. You managed to mumble a meak 'Hello' and he replied "Sorry love I didn't see you there. I'm Niall.' He smiled his beatiful smile and held his hand out for you to shake; you grabbed his hand and smiled back "I'm Y/N, and honestly it was all my fault it's just my first time in London and I don't know where to go. I'm trying to find my hotel " You rambled on. He chuckled and replied "Well where are you going? I can help you find it!" You guys actually booked the same hotel so for the entire time you stayed there he showed you all of the magnificent sights of London. The rest is history in the making.

LOUIS: It was a beautiful day in Los Angeles, California so you decided to walk down to the beach that was only about a mile a way from your house. When you finally got there and found a spot you dropped your bags and shredded off you shirt and shorts revealing you white and blue bikini from Victoria Secret. You were making your way towards the water when something hit you in the back of the head, you looked down and saw a soccer ball. When you looked up to see who kicked the ball you were met with the most beautiful blue eyes you've ever seen. The guy was probably abotu 5' 8" and had a VERY nice set of abs. Your eyes trailed up his tanned body to see he had a kind of brown fringe that he was shaking out of his face. "I am SOOO sorry miss. I wasn't really paying attention I honestly didn't mean to hit you! I'm Louis by the way. Louis Tomlinson." He smiled. "It's fine Louis don't worry about it. Accidents happen. I'm Y/N" You smiled back and he replied "Well that's a beautiful name for a beautiful girl." He winked at you and ushered you over to his friends and you guys hung out for the entire day and at night you guys had a big bonfire. You and Louis got to know each other for another couple months before he had the nerves to ask you out. Now it's three years later and you two are going strong. Hopefully together forever. 

HARRY: You were at a party at a frat house with a few of your friends. You don't really drink that much so you decided to hold back on the liquor. After a few hours of hard core partying with all the random people there you decided to go to sleep in one of the bedrooms of the house. When you opened the door there was no one in there so you decided to sleep in there for the night. Right as you were about to drift off to sleep some guy stormed in the room "Why are you in my room?? I make it clear at every party that NO ONE comes into MY room!" He yelled. "Look I'm sorry I was just looking for a place to crash since all of my friends are drun k and I have no way to get home!" He apologized and you two ended up spending the night talking about like everything. He became your best friend and now your long term boyfriend. You will never forget Harry Styles. 

LIAM: You were waiting in line for the new Batman and you finally got to the front of the line. "One ticket for Batman please!" You smiled at the person working. She looked up and said "Sorry dear! That showing just sold out!" Your smile faded and you just nodded and began walking out. Someone tapped your shoulder and you turned around only to be met with very warm brown eyes. The guy had slightly long curlyish light brown hair (A/N: Picture Liam's hair in WMYB) he was wearing a pair of white Supras, tan chinos, and a blue plaid shirt. "Umm, can I help you?" You said  trying not to rude. "Sorry love! I just happened to notice that you couldn't get a ticket to Batman and I was supposed to be going with my friend and he couldn't make it so I have an extra ticket if you want it!" he smiled. "You would have to sit next to me but still a movie is a movie. You don't have to if you don't want to." He quickly added on. You smiled brightly back. "Of course! Thank you so much! I would love too!" You tried paying him back but he refused. You later learned his name is Liam and you guys hit it off so well that you exchanged numbers and became really good friends. Later, you guys started dating. 

ZAYN: You were walking out of Starbucks with a muffin and a coffee when you ran smack into someone's chest. Your entire coffee spilt on the ground and so did your muffin. You looked up at the person with a frown only to be met with the msot beautiful guy you have ever seen. He had a jet black quiff adn had tanned skin and caramel brown eyes. He was wearing a pair of black skinny jeans, a tight white t-shirt, a leather jacket, and a pair of grey Vans. "I'm SO sorry miss! I wasn't paying attention I will buy you a new drink and muffin!" You smiled back "Really it's fine but I will take you up on that drink. I NEED caffiene in the morning." He chuckled in response and held the door open for you. You two ordered your drinks and muffins and just sat down and talked. You learned his name is Zayn. You two are dating now (four months later) you started off as best friends and just gained feelings towards each other. You two are now inseperable. 


A/N : Sorry it took so long! I will do a couple short ones tonight to make it up to you guys! :) 

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