Chapter Nineteen: New Morph Form

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I got to the bathroom in time, thankfully. Oh, gosh, it sounds like I'm about to throw up. No, just getting a new Morph form. I wonder what would happen if I got nausea and I mistook it for getting a new Morph form but I was just sick... Hmm.

Anyways, I was thankfully alone when I got to the bathroom, because I had a feeling that it was going to be a big animal. That's the thing, I've learned that the bigger the animal, the more nauseous I get and the more it hurts. 

Not long after, I turned into a tiger. I quickly turned back into before anyone could walk in, but my head was spinning and an evil smirk grew on my face as I recalled a conversation I had with Megan on the first day of classes. "Her Morph form is a tiger. It's pretty suiting, although if I were choosing I would have made her a shark." Megan had said. 

Victoria's Morph is a tiger. I'm a tiger. I can frame her as the person with multiple Morph forms.

But stripes, I reminded myself. What if they compare the stripes and the stripes are different?

Can I... change my stripe pattern? Other people can't, but then again, I'm not other people...

Maybe if I concentrate really hard...

Well, it's worth a try.

I turned into a tiger again, then I willed myself to have stripes in the shape of... a lightning bolt. Yeah, that seems cool. 

After a lot of concentrating, I felt the same way I felt when I Morph, but I remained a tiger... But now I was a tiger with stripes in the shape of a lightning bolt.

YES! I cheered in my head as I Morphed back into a human. Now I just need to get pictures of Victoria's Morph form.

However, at the moment, I need to get back to class because if I don't, I'm going to be in serious trouble.

I grabbed my bag and dashed off to first period.

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