I roll my eyes. "You're such a bitch."

"And yet you still love me," she wrapped her arms around me, but I pushed her away playfully.

She sighs, "Just go sit with that hotty, if Richard begins to trip, Joey and I will step in. Don't worry."

"Fine," I said reluctantly.

"You owe me a double chocolate fudge sundae from Tony's after school," she whispered as I made my way to Odin.

"For what?"

"For calling me a bitch."

"Fine. Only because I've been craving some too," I responded.

"Craving what?" Joey asks.

"Ice cream from Tony's," Lesley answers. "We're going after school. Angela owes me."

I glare at her stupid little smirk.

She glances at Odin. "You could join us if you want. I'm Lesley by the way, Angela's best friend and Joey's girlfriend."

Odin smiles, seemingly amused. "Nice to meet you, Lesley."

"So, you in?" Asks Joey.

"Yeah, I guess, count me in," Odin shrugged.

Joey and Lesley nodded with a smile as they went to their seats not too far from us.

I watched as the classroom filled. The last warning bell rang, and Richard was the only one not in yet. That's when my phone buzzed.

It was a text message from Richard.

Richie: Where are you at?

Angela: Mr. Anderson.

Just as Mr.Anderson stood up, the classroom door opened and Richard stepped in.

"Mr. Garcia, you're late," mumbled Mr.Anderson.

Richard's gaze immediately shot over to me then Odin. I could see his eyes blazing and his nostrils flaring as he watched Odin like he was prey.

My hands began to shake anxiously.

Odin leaned over and whispered in my ear, "I'm guessing that's your boyfriend?"

"Shut up," I whispered.

"Mr. Garcia, if could take a seat, please," Mr.Anderson told him.

Richard reluctantly took the empty seat that was in front of Lesley, his eyes never leaving Odin.

It wasn't until Mr. Anderson began that he finally looked away, allowing me to release a sigh of relief.

The class continued with tension lingering in the air.

As soon as the bell rang, Richard was the first one to storm out of the classroom first, then the whole class after him.

"Don't forget your homework, page 48," Mr.Anderson called out but nobody paid any attention.

"It wasn't so bad was it?" I asked Odin as I put my notebook in my bag.

"Nah," he simply said.

"Okay, next is science," I began heading for the door, but he grabbed my hand gently holding me back.

"What?" I ask.

"I don't want to cause you any trouble-"

"Odin, you're not-"

"I know, your boyfriend, Richard, he and I have some bad blood," he said. "Thanks for helping me out, but I got it from here."

He whooshed past me and left.

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