Shots ~ Part One

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I am new to the one shot game, but I think I have read enough to write some good ones so, enjoy aaaaand...

Here we go...

        Steve held the hospital door open for you, waiting for you to finish your long walk up the sidewalk. It wouldn't have taken you so long to get to the door if you weren't dragging your feet. You were at the hospital for one reason and one reason only; shots. You hated them and Steve knew it, which is why you needed to drag him (or more that he had to drag you) to the clinic so that he would be there to hold your hand and tell you that everything was going to be alright.

       "C'mon, (Y/N). If you don't pick up the pace, I'm gonna die holding the door for you, and I'm already an old man." He chuckled at his own joke and smiled at you as you neared the door. you stopped just before walking over the threshold.

        "I can't, Steve, I-I just can't." you turned around and frowned at him.

        "Is that quiter talk, from my girl? No, no way. I'm right here, with you every step of the way. You'll be fine. I've seen you beat far worse than a little needle." It was true. Steve had seen you take on more than your fair share of exes at countless locations. Movie theaters, bars, diners, even a post office once. That one was a bit harder to shake, but you did it. And he had been with you every time, being the best friend that a girl could ever hope to have. He was right, you could do this.

        "Okay, fine." you said as he took your hand and helped you walk the rest of the way inside the clinic. You stepped up to the front desk hand in hand. The lady at the counter gave you a smile that looked a little bit forced. You had no doubt that she had probably been working since four this morning and was more than ready for her shift to end.

        "Hello, may I help you?" Her tone was extremely polite.

        "Hi, my name is (Y/F/N) (Y/L/N), I'm here for a vaccination." It took all of your strength not to visibly cringe at the word.

        "Your birth date please?"

        "(Your birth date)"

        "Alright, and your address?" 

        "(Your address)"

        "Okay, you can head to the waiting room, which is at the top of those stairs directly to your left. Someone will be with you shortly. Thank you."

        "Alright, thanks." You looked up at Steve and he gave you a reassuring smile that would have helped to calm you at any other time except this one. As you headed up the stairs, you felt Steve's hand drop away from yours, which only made the nervous knot in your stomach grow tighter. At the top of the stairs was a waiting room that looked very off-putting, but maybe it was just because you were so nervous about the.......nope, you couldn't even think about it without getting the strong urge to hurl. You crossed the waiting room and took a seat in the row of chairs farthest away from everyone else there. Steve sat in the chair next to yours and took your hand again.

        "(Y/N), you okay? You have the same look on your face as you did that night when I took you out for burgers and you puked all over my shoes." Steve brought up one of your fondest memories of spending time with him.

        "Yeah, I feel like we might have a repeat of that night if the nurses don't hurry." He slipped his arm around your shoulder and held you close to him. You could feel his heartbeat, his breathing, both steadily increasing  at the thought of being close to you. You were Steve's best friend, other than Bucky, but the truth was that he always felt more for you than just friendship. A nurse bustled into the room, and called your name, causing you to stand and Steve's arm to slip from around your shoulders.  The knot got tighter again.

        You both followed the nurse down the narrow corridors, winding around several twists and turns until finally, she stopped in front of a small examination room and handed you some papers.

        "Fill these out, please while we get the vaccinations ready. I'll be right back." And she quickly turned on her heel and scuttled down the hall and around a corner, vanishing from your sight. Steve followed you into the room and you took a seat in one of the two chairs by the door. He sat in the other and read over the sheets with you. 

        "These things always make me super nervous, like they need to know all of these things because if I don't tell them, I'll die because they gave me the wrong thing..." You sighed and let him take the clip-board from your hands.

        "Do you want me to help you?" His eyes peeked over the clip-board at you, and you could tell that he was wearing his adorable mischievous smile. 

        "Yes." You couldn't help but giggle at him. And then he started to read the questions out-loud to you, which only made you laugh harder.

        "Do you smoke?" He asked in a voice that could only be described as a cross between Morgan Freeman and Yoda.

        "No..." You had to stifle your laughter, so as to not draw too mush attention because hospital walls are known to be thin

        "Are you sexually active?" He had to hide his own laughter now.

        "No." You had almost completely forgotten about the imminent shots now.

        "Would you like to be?" He lowered the board to reveal a full-fledge Steven-Grant-Rogers-knee-dissolving-smile.

        "Nowhere on that paper does it ask me if I want to be sexually active, I know that for a fact! Steve!" You shouted as you lunged for the papers just as he yanked them away. The nurse walked in to see you climbing on Steve and him holding the papers just out of your reach.

        "Ugh-hum..." She awkwardly cleared her throat and you two were snapped from your own little moment.

        "Sorry..." You and Steve muttered in unison as you slide back to your own chair.

        "No, no, you're fine!" The nurse waved her hand and gave you a chuckle. "I've walked in on much worse before. Trust me. Now, miss (Y/L/N), are you ready?" she began to prep the needles and you felt your entire body tense up.

        "Yes, she's ready" Steve answered for you as he helped you stand and walk to the examination table.

To Be Continued...

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