" Oh shit", swore Aura.

"What's wrong?"

"I gotta go to the locker and get my damn books. You carry on Reese, I'll try to reach ASAP."

I nodded and carried on.
Forty six seconds later, half the distance reached. Now, I can slow down.

"Wait up Adams."

I turn back taking a deep breath at the mention if my surname.  My heart starts pounding a hundred times faster. That voice.  Those dark brown hypnotising eyes. It's him.

"I'll walk you to the class." Jason offered.

Shit. Why? I thought.

Expect me to have that kind of a reaction instead of fangirling at his offer.

That is, because the normally friendly, bubbly, awesome, sassy Reese turns into a nervous, messy, stuttering Reese when in Jason's company.

That was the kind of effect he had on me.

" You don't need to take that trouble. Aura will be here anytime soon, so I do have company. " I said.

" Adams, don't. We're going to the same class. I insist that we walk together. " He looked into me straight in the eye with so much of stubbornness,  that I died.

Just kidding, I'm alive.

I gulped and nodded. The usually outspoken me cannot get a word out of my mouth. Refer Jason effect.

The entire walk, I could feel his eyes on me, but I did not dare to even tilt my head the slightest bit. This is when he gets so mysterious and confusing.
He will be a gentleman with you, but dominant at the same time.
He'll make you feel like one of those people in his friend circle but the very next moment, he'll act like he doesn't know about your existence.

He opened the door, and gestured for me to get in. Presenting Gentleman Jason, frequency of occurrence - once in a blue moon.

I walked inside and sat down next to Melanie, my usual place.

Jason went on to sit on the place opposite to mine, in the next row, which is where he usually sits - these days.

Every time this happens, Mel and I exchange seats so that she is seated between us. That again, call it Jason effect. Get a clue guys, I'm trying to get over him, and hence trying to avoid any sort of contact or communication with him.

This time again, as we exchanged our seats, Aura entered.

"What's with you guys exchanging seats in Psychology these days?" She asked, loud enough for Jason to hear.
I think.

"Nah, It's just that Reese wants both of us on each side so that she gets good company to talk to. Looks like she's bored with me these days. Lucky Aura, you're getting a lot of love from Reese these days", Mel said and winked.

Thank Goodness, my bestie saved the day. I loved her for that! She knew me so well inside out that she would know what's going on inside my head before I myself could process it. She knew everytime what to say or do  to save me from any awkward situation.

Melanie = Soulmate

Anyways, for Jason, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that I changed my place to avoid any kind of conversation with him.

When you are trying to get over someone, you obviously try and avoid them at all costs. Not like he talks much to me anyway, but still. I do it to even avoid a potential conversation.

It will happen, Mel had said.
It'll take time, but it will gradually happen.

"When you happen to like someone so much , you need time to heal, and you need to learn how to let go before you actually fall in love. Love is a lot more complicated. So start from right here, if you don't want to bear all the pain you'll get."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2016 ⏰

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