Can’t stop, can’t stop, he’ll catch me if I stop. I let my footsteps echo in my head keeping the beat so I knew if I was slowing down.

I was too busy concentrating on the pounding my feet were making I didn't see the two bodies either side of me collide with mine throwing me on the ground.

I felt the air rush out of me as I dropped to the ground, I was heavily breathing and I couldn't feel my legs because of how numb they were from my run.

‘You stupid cow, why would you run from him, why can’t you just give up’ I knew that sorrow filled voice; it was Ian’s. I hadn’t spoken to him for weeks, ever since he refused to help me.

I knew the other body would be Riley and as I was lifted off the ground and into his arms I started to regret my actions ‘stupid cow’ indeed.

I stayed silent as they carried me back to the house.

‘Take her back upstairs, Mike’s still in there’ I heard Ian say before walking back to the TV show I’d interrupted.

‘Hmmm... You’re looking sexy as sin in that nightie, I can’t wait for Mike to go away so we can be alone again, I've missed you so much’ hearing these words whispered in my ear, coupled with Riley’s mouth trailing kisses down my neck as he took me back to a most likely furious Mike, a plan formed in my head, an idea I had thought about before but quickly dismissed it as stupid... maybe I needed to be stupid... maybe I needed to be the stupid cow Ian told me I was.

I couldn't do it tonight though... no, tonight I was in for a world of pain. Tonight I was ready to grovel and beg for Mike’s forgiveness, even if it made me nauseous, but soon... soon I would put my plan into motion.

Opening our bedroom door Riley put my still out of breath and cramping body upwards so I was standing shakily on my legs, before he quickly left the room. I couldn't blame him, I’d have done the same if I could; seeing the anger evident on his face cause my heart to shake and start to beat wildly against my chest... I am so stupid.

‘I’m so sorry Mike, please forgive me... I’ll do anything I swear, I don’t know what I was thinking. I’ll never run from you again’ I felt my dignity dwindle to nothing as I walked ever so slowly closer and closer to him.

He had given me a chance to say my peace and I wasn't sure whether his silence was a good thing or not.

‘Remember the first day you came here, when I said only I would see you in those nighties, yes? Well then why did both Riley and Ian see you?’ his voice was deadly calm.

‘I- I wasn't thinking, I’m a stupid cow’ I answered, moving over him and straddling his thighs, he didn't move, he didn't lash out and I was all kinds of confused.

I started to kiss my way across his chest. He let me. I wasn't sure what his game plan was, but mine was sucking up, begging for his forgiveness and ridding myself of whatever dignity I had left.

I started to move my body sensually over his as I grabbed his shoulders before trailing my hands down his chest.

‘I'm so sorry Mike. Tell me what to do to make you forgive me’ I shouldn’t have given him that much ammo but I had never seen him this calm before, did that mean he was angry, furious, forgiving?

I kissed up his neck and freed my tongue from my mouth to lick and suck at his neck, I felt his hands go on my hips and I let him bounce me on his length.

‘You want to know what you can do... You can forget about any sleep tonight that's for sure’ he dragged his hands over the tops of my thighs and dug his finger into them; I couldn't stop the hiss from escaping.

He carried on shoving his nails into my skin before moving them up my body ‘Carry on making it up to me’ he told me, I quickly looked down and my legs, they were already forming bruises, but I ignored that and starting kissing and softly biting at his neck again, causing him to groan and grow further beneath me.

Flipping me so I was under him I let him drag the cause of all this off my body, leaving me in just my panties.

‘Tell me you’re sorry, tell me you’ll never leave me again... tell me you love me’ he demanded ‘only then will I forgive you’

He bit into my skin and dragged my underwear down my legs so I was completely bare to him.

‘I'm sorry’ I started, he trailed his hands up my sore and bruised legs, I wanted to push him off me again but I knew I couldn't ‘I’ll never leave you again’ those were the easy bit, they were lies yes, but they were nothing like the next line he wanted me to say... I’d always refused to say it to him.  Was he going to get his way tonight?

‘Say it princess, say it while you put your warm hands on me and show me how good you can make me feel’ I wanted to burst out crying but I couldn't, I couldn't do a lot of things because of him.

Closing my eyes I let my hands go down his body until I felt him in my grasp, this was it, I heard him groan as I moved my hands over him in a way I knew he would finish soon... but not for long.

‘Say it now’ he groaned in my ear, breathing heavily. I knew he was close and he wanted me to say it as he exploded.

‘God, you’re good at this’ he moaned at me, causing my still closed eyes to tighten further.

‘I.. I love you’ I lied as he spilled into my hands. Tears fell down my face slowly, I was a stupid cow.

But I was a stupid cow that was going to get out of here... one way or another.

A New Life: Book 2 of Charmed life Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora