"I want it on!"

We go to the dressing room and she puts on her outfit. 

"Do you like it?"

"Very pretty."

She smiles happily and we're off to the car. 

"Alright, we're gonna go get something to eat okay? Do you like ihop?"

"I've never had it.." 

"Get ready for the best food in your life!"


"I'll take a crepe, strawberry kind please."

I look over at Jess to see what she wants.

"I wanna pancake." She laughs

"Ha.... Oh! And she'll take a pancake."

The waiter nods his head in a 'yes' and takes our menus. I'm starting to really like her, she's helped me a little even though she doesn't know it. Could this be fate that I found her? I don't know really.... Oh! My scars have healed very well. Where I cut it its just a little whiter.

After what feels like forever, the waiter brings out the food.


After that, we dig in.


"Alright, 2.33 cents is your change, have a nice day!"

Then we head out to the car. I feel a hand holding onto my hand again and I look down to see that it's her. I smile to myself, I don't know why but I'm happy with her beside me.

"Do you want to go to the park?"

"Oh! Yeah!"

I laugh at her enthusiasm to go to the park.


"James, look at me!"

I look over a Jess and she slid down the slide with her hands up.

"Wow very good!"

She giggles and runs to go onto the slide again.

"James! Help me!"

I dart my eyes up and see Jess being taken by a man.


I run as fast as my legs could take me. I run up behind the man and push him.

"Hey! Who do think you are?! Grabbing a little girl?!"

He turns around to me with a sneer on his face.

"I'm her real dad!"

Then anger fills me.

"Dude?! Do you know where I found her?! BY A DUMPSTER! She told me that you told her to 'stay there forever!' A REAL father doesn't abandon their child! God knows what you did to her at home!"

He then looked at her, then me.

"We'll take this to court buddy, but tonight. She can stay with you."

He pushes her over to me then she cries.

"Hey, listen to me. It's okay, it's okay, your gonna be fine."

I'm holding her to my chest while she cries into my shirt.

"I-I don't wa-wanna go back."

"It's okay, I'm not gonna let that happen."

I carry her out to my car, while I'm doing so she falls asleep in my arms. I lay her down in the back seat, "it will all be okay."


I park my car in the parking lot of the hotel and carry her. Man, walking up steps while carrying somebody is hard.... Th-that reminds me of when Jessica fell asleep and I had to carry her in this hotel.

We arrive and I quietly lay her on the bed, hoping she wouldn't wake up. Then I walk into the living room and cry.

"She can't go! She WONT go! She's helped me!"

I punch the couch like a punching bag until I can bare no more. Soon I get tired and fall asleep on the floor.


Little Jess's P.O.V

"James?" I plop down off the bed to find James.

"James?" I see that he don't have a blanket so he must be cold. Then I go get a blanket off the bed and drag it in the living room.

"Here ya go."

I cover him up, i don't wanna go to sleep alone.

"James? Can I go to sleep with you?"

No answer.

I take that as a 'yes' then I crawl underneath the covers with him.

"Night James."


So! Did you like it?

Any questions? Or comments?

Do you like it when I update sooner like this?

How do you feel about little Jess?

What do think will happen?

So! As always!.....

Hug and kisses from your girl!

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