One. A Queen function

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**A/N: The chapter is quite long and the others will be as well. I apologize in advance if longer chapters aren't your thing. 

Oliver adjusted his tie for the third time in less than a minute. Dig, who was standing next to him scanning the room, noticed.

"Everything okay?" He looked over at him.

"Everything's fine, John. Why do you ask?" Oliver said stiffly as he began to nervously twitch his fingers; a nervous habit he picked up since his time on the Island. He chalked it up to being an archer thing, but deep down he knew it was because he anxious and unsure of himself.

Standing in the ballroom where they were having an annual dinner in his father's memory was the reason for his current state of mind. It was the first one he attended since he had returned home. All eyes were on him. He felt their silent judgement; their unspoken expectations. It was as if the walls were closing in on him.

"Because that's the third time you've adjusted that damn tie. Relax, Oliver." Dig said low enough so only Oliver could hear.

Oliver glared over at the other man. Not only was John Diggle his bodyguard, he was his partner in crime, literally. He also felt the need to give him unsolicited advice from time to time.

"When I want your opinion, I'll ask for it." Oliver said dryly.

"When I need your permission, I'll let you know." John tossed back.

He crossed his arms and continued to monitor the room. To people passing by, they might think he was taking his security job a little too seriously. After all, this was an intimate function for those who loved Robert and the Queen family. Surely nothing would get out of hand here. Or so that's what they thought.

However, they were unaware of Oliver and John's secret vigilante work. It also came natural to John to scope out his surroundings. It was something he'd learned while serving the country and continued to do once he became a bodyguard. Therefore, it would be completely unlike him to just take it easy and relax. Oliver, on the other hand, could at least breathe, John thought.

"Is it that hard for you to chill out?" John continued.

"I'm fine, John." Oliver said again.

"Nothing's going to happen, Oliver. You don't need to be in Arrow mode. Just be yourself tonight, man." John jokingly nudged him.

"Have you seen my mother or Thea yet?" Oliver asked, ignoring what John had just said.

"Just walked in," John nodded to his upper left.

Oliver hadn't heard whatever it was the John said, though.

Just then Felicity had entered the room. She worked in the I.T. department of Queen's Consolidated. Oliver hadn't known her that long, but he learned that she was good at her job; really good. He often made up poor excuses in order to get more information for his "night work". He could tell that she was growing suspicious, however she never questioned anything.

She was wearing silver heels and a black flowy gown. Her blonde hair was pinned to one side and cascading down. For a moment, Oliver stood watching her. She was a gorgeous woman, but he had seen plenty of beautiful women in his playboy days. He bedded most of them. However, once he returned home from those five years in hell, he didn't pick back up on his old habits.

Initially he planned on making things right with Laurel. Those hopes were crushed when he found out she was happy and in love with his best friend. He had been the worst boyfriend to her in the past. So although it hurt, he stepped out of the way and allowed Tommy and her to be happy. They both deserved it.

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