Chapter 7

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( haru's pov)

As makoto and I walk Masumi home I catch her starring at me every now and then. Finally I say something " do I have something on my face?" "Uh... No it's just......" She says surprised I spoke up. She looks away and stares at the ground as we continue to walk. "If you have something to say just say it." I say. ".... Did... Did I do something to make you hate me?.... E-every time I try and talk to you, you sound different then when you talk to the others. And you didn't look that happy w-when you heard I joined the swim team...." She says. Makoto and I stop walking surprised by what she said.

She looks nervous and bows "I'm s-so sorry if I've offended you" she says quickly in a shaky voice. After a moment of complete silence she not once moves from bowing. Makoto then laughs and I'm still starring at her in shock. " you don't have to worry about haru he's like that with everyone at first" Makoto says. She then looks up at him and returns to standing up strait. She looks to me and I nod. "Ok good! So we're friends?" She asks me with a smile and a questionable tone. "Yea...friends" I say. She smiles wider and continues to walk. Makoto and I follow.

"Goh tells us you know Rin" Makoto says. I'm surprised to hear that. Goh must have told them while I was walking around. "Yea we went to school together in Australia. He never told me he was from here so I was surprised when I heard she was his brother." She explains. "She says the two of you dated for a while." Makoto says. I look at masumi who has now turned red as a tomato. "Y-yea. We were close for the first few years and not long after he got me back into swimming we dated." She pauses the blush vanishes from her face as she stares strait ahead. " but odd as it sounds. I was fine when we broke up. Honestly I don't think it was meant to last long. He never even kept in contact with me once I left to move back here." She explains.

Not long after we reach her house. "Thanks for walking me home I really appreciate it" she says. "No problem. We're glad you're starting to open up a bit more outside the water." Makoto says. She smiles and we say our goodbyes.

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