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Cry's pov

I walked up the stairs making sure my mask was on. I didn't let anyone see my face I didn't like my face ever sense that day....I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Mad say something "you're going to make yourself upset" I knew he was right but I refused to let him know he was right so I muttered "shut up" I felt someone tap me and I quickly turned around to see the face of my very best friend,Russ "Hey cry who were you talking to?" I felt sweat gather on my face "n-no body" I stuttered quickly.There was a long pause before Russ eyed me skeptically before saying "okay...but we better get going its getting late" he ran off into school leaving me to follow. I followed Russ as we were walking down the hallway "Cry?" Russ said to me in a awkward way I've never heard before "uh, yeah?" I said kinda worried he was sick or something. He turned around and put on the most serious face he could do "Cry, I heard you talking to someone who was it" he said looking at me. I didn't want to tell him that it was mad he might think I'm crazy or I might scare him off. "I uh was taking notes to say if I met a bully?" I knew Russ wouldn't believe that horrible lie but before he could respond the bell rung and we both ran in different directions to our first class.

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