chapter twentyfive

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"s-seungcheollie," jeonghan said quietly into the phone. he was nervous, he didn't know if seungcheol was gunna be mad at him or not.

"jeonghan?" seungcheol answered. he was glad that jeonghan called him, the missed the younger.

"can i, um, can i come over?" jeonghan stuttered out.

"of course you can, do you want me to pick you up?"

jeonghan nodded, then realized seungcheol couldn't see him. "y-yeah," he said.

"be there in a few minutes."


there was a knock on the door.

"i'll get it!! it's seungcheol!" soyul said standing up quickly and running towards the door.

she opened the door up. seungcheol stood there smiling and holding red roses.

soyuls mouth parted open slightly, whispering, "are those for jeonghan?" she asked.

seungcheol nodded, just as jeonghan came to the door. seungcheol smiled at him and held up the roses.

"these are for you."

soyul squealed and ran away, "eomma! jeonghan got roses!!"

jeonghan smiled, taking the roses gently in his soft hands. his mum appeared behind him, taking the roses, "i'll go put these in water, it's nice to see you seungcheol, jeonghan talks a lot about you." she winked before walking away.

jeonghan blushed and walked out the door quickly before his dad could come.

seungcheol opened the door for jeonghan, and jogged around to the other side, getting in.

as they started to drive the both spoke at once, "jeonghan, im sorry," "seungcheol, im sorry."

jeonghan blushed and looked down.

"i'm sorry, it was a misunderstanding. can i explain?" seungcheol asked and jeonghan nodded.

"when you were in the bathroom, joshua was telling me how he's going to get you and how he hated me, pretty much. before he got hurt, he punched my jaw, thats why i pushed him. i think he acted more hurt than he actually was, i was just defending myself."

"oh my gosh, seungcheol!! i'm so sorry, are you okay?" jeonghan asked worriedly, putting his hand on his shoulder.

seungcheol laughed and nodded, "i'm fine now, we're here." he said and the two boys got out of the car.

they walked up seungcheols porch and into his house hand in hand.

"i've never met you're mum," jeonghan said suddenly.

"nah, you don't want to. come upstairs."

seungcheol lead him upstairs into his room. his room looks like a room from a magazine. there was a big closet beside the door, a big bed beside the window and a small desk. that's it. it was plain, but jeonghan liked it.

jeonghan sat on his bed and sighed, "i'm sorry, seungcheollie, i really am. i didn't know joshua was that bad of a person. earlier today he tried to, well, do things and i didn't want him to but he didn't seem to care. i'm really sorry, oppa."

"it's okay, baby," seungcheol laughed.


i wasnt really done this chapter, but i had to update so.


amd,, seunghan is a ship noW???? seungkwan???? jeonghan??? its actually kimda cute??? but its taking two of svts main ships (jeongcheol+verkwan) and combining them lmao

ily cuties

-eomma yoona

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