I stash it in my bag, before following her out onto the balcony. "Where the hell did you get all this stuff?" I ask, as she takes a cigarette out, lighting it. She takes a drag before answering.

"It's easier to get stuff in America. Like knives? You can get those kind at the stores, mostly sports or hunting stores. There's a lot online too. Guns included." She shrugs, and I glance at her pack of cigs. I kinda wanted one before we go, but I usually didn't smoke around other people.

            She smiles slightly, before opening the pack of cigs, and holding it out towards me. I hesitantly take one, lighting it, with the lighter she offered. "I don't usually smoke in front of people." I admit, taking a drag, before exhaling the smoke.

             "Your secret is safe with me." She adds, laughing. "I quit awhile ago, but lately, I end up smoking one here and there. I usually smoke alone too, actually. Though the cop has caught me a few times at night." She adds, wrinkling her nose at the last part.

             "I'm usually pretty good at no one catching me. This is the first time in a long time someone else has seen me smoke." I admit, running a hand back through my hair, as I look out towards the city.

               "Well, if you're here and you ever need one, I usually have some stashed. The cop has a stash too. I'll just say it's for me or something." She offers, shrugging.

              We finish up, going back inside, where Felicia straps her guns on, before pulling on a jacket, and taking a knife, before she puts her bag away. We gather in the lounge, the black foxes distributing ear pieces, so we can all communicate. After testing them, we split up into a few vehicles, and head there.

               I end up in a van, with Takuto, Scarlett, Soryu, Rosie, Riki, Felicia, and Mamoru. The rest split up into different cars, with a few pairs getting their own car. Riki ends up driving, and we all talk here and there on the way there.

              "You ready rookie?" Takuto smirks, narrowing his amber eyes at me.

             I glare at him, before answering. "Watch it blondie." I warn, already getting irritated with the hacker.

             "Please make good on your threat from two days ago, I'd really like to see someone lay Takkun on his ass." Scarlett chimes in, earning a glare from Takuto.

               "Yea right. I'll be lucky if she doesn't accidentally shoot me or something." Takuto adds, rolling his eyes at Scarlett.

                "I don't know about accidental. I might just shoot you for being an asshole." I add, smirking at him.

                His eyes widen in surprise, before glancing at everyone. "Wait, hold up, did you guys actually give this idiot a gun? I'll get shot for sure." He complains, sighing.

"I can shoot just fine fuck you very much." I snap, shooting Takuto a dirty look.

"Oi, save it for later, get a room you two." Riki chimes in from the drivers seat.

"I am not flirting!" Me and Takuto yell in sync, much to our surprise, and everyone else's amusement.

"You're so obvious. You flirt like a five year old Takkun." Scarlett snickers.

Takuto turns bright red, and I can feel my own face start to heat up as well, as I look away from him.

"Like you have any room to talk there Red. The way you and Soryu bicker with each other." Mamoru snorts, looking at Scarlett.

The Bidder's Mafia Princess: A KBTBB fanficWhere stories live. Discover now