
"Okay, we're here." We are at the hotel that umm... Jess stayed at. "Wow! This is pretty!" She looks at the hotel in awe. We walk in and the girl at the desk says, "Your James Berling?" I nod, "The room is still opened, we haven't done anything to it, but clean it." She looks down at the girl and smiles, "What's your name?"


"Have a nice stay here Jessica!"

I got annoyed so I took Jessica's hand and went up to the room. You know it weird... Saying Jessica. I can't believe that's her name. Soon we arrive in front of the door, then I open it.

"Wow! This room is very pretty!"

"That's what I thought when I arrived here too."

I have to call Haley. I don't want to but I don't know how to shop for little girls. Plus she'll freak when she sees my face.... Man I wish I hadn't done it.... I'll just call her tomorrow.

"So..... "

"So..... What?"

"What's on your face?"

"It's... Umm... A uh knife accident."

"Oh okay. My mommy had knife accidents all the time."

"Really? How?"

"She would have big lines down her arm. Then she would hold it to her throat and-"

"Wanna play a game?"

"Okay!...what's the game?"


"Okay! You count, I'll hide!"


I turn to face the wall and count to 30. I hear her tiny footsteps quietly finding a place to hide. Then I hear a 'yes!' And then something rustle around.

"30! Ready or not here I come!"

I try to think of where the footsteps came from. The kitchen! I walk towards the kitchen. "I'm gonna find you!" I open up one cabinet door and 'bam' there she is! "Hahah! You found me!"




"I'm tired." She says rubbing her eyes.

"Okay, you can sleep in the bed and I'll sleep on the couch okay?"


We walk into the bedroom and she plops right on the bed. "Call for me of you need anything." Before I could get out of the door she says, "C-can you tuck me in?" I smile and walk over to her and tuck her in.



Then I walk out then to the couch and fall asleep.






"Huh? Wha-? Oh. Jessica? What are you doing up?"

"I-I had a nightmare.... C-can I sleep with you?"

I'm not that good with kids but I don't want to seem Pedophile-ish etheir. "Uh.. Yeah.

She smiles and plops onto the couch with me with the blanket.

"Goodnight Jessica."

"Goodnight James."


So did you like it?

What do you think of little Jessica?

Any suggestions?

I tried to post sooner rather than later.

Comment! (I love seeing your comments! It makes me want to write more!)

Well! As always!

Hugs and kisses from your girl!

(Btw, that's a pic of little Jessica!)

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