Chapter 2

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~Evan's pov~

It's been about a week since I received the teddy bear and random notes. There have been more notes. All of them along the lines of:

'I wish you were mine'


'I could treat you right.'

Some fangirl is really obsessed with me. I'm flattered but I have a fiancée. And I love her. Sometimes.

"Evan let's go." She walked into the living where I was sitting and adjusted her dress. "We don't want to be late."

"We're already late," I mumbled.

"Look, I don't have time to argue with you. Now let's go." She snapped. I sighed and got up from my comfortable spot and followed her out to the car. We were meeting my parents at some fancy restaurant downtown and were told to look our best.

I got in on the driver's side and started the car up. Sydney got on the passenger's side and slammed the door. I decided not to question it and took off towards downtown Toronto. We pulled up to what looked like an expensive hotel called Le Gars Sage.

I parked and Sydney instantly got out. I sighed and followed. I grabbed her hand in mine.

"Is something wrong? Did I do something?" She rolled her eyes and pulled her hand away.

"Let's just get this over with." She walked into the building without me. A ran a hand over my face and walked in as well. I instantly spotted my parents and Sydney waiting for me.

"Evan!" My mother said coming up to me.

"Hi, mom." I smiled and hugged her.

"How have you been sweetie? How are you and Sydney?"

"We're great." I lied smiling. My mom likes Sydney so I'm always willing to make her happy even if I'm not.

"That's fantastic. Come on. I have a table reserved for us." She linked her arm with mine and pulled me along with her. We walked into the restaurant and to a person that stood behind a podium. "Reservations for Fong." My mother stated.

"Yes. Right, this way." The guy looked up and I saw his bright blue eyes and white smile. He grabbed four menus and led us through a sea of tables. But all I could focus on was the man in front of me. His insanely blue eyes and his broad shoulders.

"So Evan, we have much to discuss. Like wedding cake flavors." My mother said snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Here is your table. My name is Jonathan. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns feel free to call for me. Have a lovely evening." With that, he walked away.

"So I was thinking maybe in about two weeks we could go and try cake flavors and where it's going to take place. Can't have a wedding without a place to have it."

"Hi! My name Minx. I will be your server for tonight. Can I start you off with any drinks?" We all ordered our drinks and Minx left.

"So how have you two been doing?" My dad asked out of curiosity. Before I could answer, Sydney spoke.

"We've been wonderful. Never been happier." She said smiling widely. "Haven't we Evan?" She asked sickly sweet. I nodded my head and smiled.

"Yeah." My mother clasped her hands together and awed. If only she knew we were having problems.

"You guys are too cute. Here, let's take a picture." She took out her not-to-spectacular phone and took a picture of us.

"Here are your drinks. Are you ready to order?" Minx asked when she came back. She set our drinks in front of us and took out her pen and paper pad.

"Yes, we are dear." My father said. "Sydney, would you like to start?" Sydney nodded and blabbed off what she wanted and then my mom, then me, then my dad.

"I will be right back with your food." Minx gave us a big smile and turned around to the kitchen.

We chatted for a while longer and my eyes kept drifting to the man I saw earlier. His blue eyes haunting me. I looked to see him at the hostess stand in the front of the restaurant. He suddenly turned around and locked eyes with me. He winked in my direction and I instantly looked away.

"So I was thinking we could have the wedding in Florence, Italy. You know, somewhere exciting." Sydney said making my eyes widen.

"Sydney, that's really expensive." Her jaw dropped.

"Are you saying I don't deserve the best wedding?" I sighed loudly.

"It's not just your wedding. It's our wedding. Not just yours." When I thought that was the end of it, she brought out the fake tears.

"I see how it is. You know what? Maybe we just shouldn't get married because I'm obviously not good enough." She sniffled and wipe her eyes and stood up and walked out of the restaurant.

"I'll go talk to the dear." My mom said standing up. She followed Sydney out and I ran a hand down my face.

"Now son," my dad said clearing his throat, "I respect your decisions but, do you maybe want to reconsider this? You don't look too happy." I sighed and looked at him.

"I'm happy with her. She just gets frustrating sometimes." I said shrugging. My dad nodded but said nothing else.

My mom came back in followed by Sydney. They sat down but didn't say anything.

"Alright, here's your food." Minx came back, along with Jonathan, and discarded our food to each of us. I glanced up and watched the way Jonathan's muscles flexed when he moved and the way his shirt strained against his chest. When they were finished they smiled at us and I took notice of his incredibly white teeth and his dimples that appeared on his cheeks. They walked away and we ate our dinner in silence.

We parted ways once we were finished. Sydney and I didn't say a word to each other the whole ride home. She kept texting someone on her phone and smiling. When we got home she said she was going out and shut the door before I could say anything.

I sighed and walked into my room. I plopped down face first into the bed. I looked up and reached for the blue bear and cuddled it to my chest. I inhaled it's scent and sighed contentedly when I was hit with the smell of the ocean. I hugged it tighter to me and heard a loud bang.

I jumped up in alert and went to see what made the noise. Jumping off the bed and running out to the living room I noticed a box on the floor. It was a red box with blue ribbons and a blue bow to top it off. A note lays atop of it. When I reach it I get on my knees and pick up the note.

'I thought you'd need something to cheer you up.'

I look back to the box and open it. I was shocked to see a picture of me and the guys at PAX last year. I smiled and remembered how much fun we had. But how did this get in here? How did they get this picture?

Questions flood my head as I stare at the picture. I'm not going to lie, it did make me feel better.

I take it out of the box and carry it to my set up and place it next to my computer.

I make my way back to my room and changed into pajamas and laid down. I cuddled up with the bear and inhaled it's scent one last time before I fell into a deep sleep.

Boi, I am back!

I've neglected this so here's an update!


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