Arden flinched as Bellamy's warm hands helped her up, although he kept a hold of her. Together they staggered back from the creature, who took another bullet from Wells. She didn't go down, she scampered off into the woods; angry now.

Arden knew it wasn't the last they would see of the cat, she was waiting for the perfect moment; using the skills she was born with. Arden pulled away from Bellamy's grasp, her brilliant greens eyes locking with Wells' brown ones as he pointed the gun in their direction. He and Clarke stayed close together, Clarke's dark blonde eyebrows stitched together in focus as she gazed over the scene. In the tree's Murphy huddled beside the tree, scared out of his pants. Finn's eyes were on Clarke, and Arden could notice how there was longing in them.

There was a rustle in the leaves, the cat called loudly before pouncing out of hiding and at Bellamy and Arden. She flinched, falling on her backside, another gun shot rung out through the tree's; birds flew from the branches. Besides Arden laid a very dead cat, behind her Bellamy breathed deeply, she looked up to see the sweat glinting off his forehead made his freckles seem almost darker.

Arden slowly got up off of the ground, her eyes wandering over to the side of the tree where Wells and Clarke were. Wells continuously clicked the trigger of the gun, pointing it at the cat. There were no more rounds, he was still shocked.

"Now she see's you," Bellamy said to Wells.

Arden noticed what Bellamy was saying. She could sense before tension between Clarke ad Wells, and now all Clarke was doing is staring at Wells. Not exactly in a good way but not in a bad way either. She was shocked just like him, and Bellamy put some fun into it. Arden's lip twitched a little, but it stayed into the same straight line.

It was Finn who was the first person to move. He jumped from the tree, onto a soft patch of grass and waited for Murphy to bring Jasper down. Murphy didn't look happy, but he was not complaining. Arden leaned back down to the cat, the beautiful majestic creature, that was now dead. Blood oozed from the multiple bullet holes.

(Your fight is over)"Yu gonplei ste odon," Arden whispered lowly over the cat, petting it's black fur.

"What did you just say?" Bellamy asked, giving her a weird look.

Arden's eyes widened, she stood up quickly and brushed some dirt off of her arms and back, "Nothing."

Bellamy raised his eye brows before taking a pack of some sort off of Wells and setting the dead animal on top of the tarp that was inside. He called Murphy over for help, Wells filled in for Murphy's job to carry Jasper with Finn back to camp. The group set off, with more than they hoped for.

Clarke and Arden walked up front, Wells and Finn just behind, Murphy and Bellamy dill dallying far away. They were talking about something, all Arden could hear is their faint laughter. She was also no good at reading their lips. Say if they were speaking Trigedasleng, Arden could tell what they were going to do tomorrow if that was the topic; each and every word. Another reason why she was apart of the Archery flank, she was an excellent scout.

It was dark now, the two hour hike back to the skaikru's ship was long with high hills and winding path's. She knew this path like the back of her hand, she could walk it with her eyes close. Really she couldn't, nobody would be able to with the amount of roots tangling under their feet. But she did know that there was a tricky root coming up, and if Clarke didn't watch out the blonde would be tumbling down the hill that sloped beside them.

"Careful," Arden nudged Clarke, who seemed to snap out of her day dream.

Clarke jumped in fright, looking down at her feet. She carefully stepped over the root and made sure not to get her foot stuck in a knot that could twist it so severely that she wouldn't be able to walk for a long time.

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