Eight; Nightmares

Start from the beginning

I woke up to someone laughing, "shhhh!" I whispered putting my fingers to my lips.
"oh but princess! Your no fun!" The man replied walking towards me holding a knife, he wasn't the Joker but instead a man dressed in the clothes jokers goons wear but without a mask.
I smile and say, "you don't want to do that!".
"oh but princess! Why?".
"because you'll get hurt!".
"and what are you gonna do princess!?" He laughed.
"this!" I whispered getting up and kicking him in the chest making him drop the knife, I picked it up, holding it in my hand, "this is a shit blade!" I shuddered at saying blade.
"how'd move so fast!?" He yelp.
"well if I tell you, you won't live to tell the tale! You still wanna know!" He didn't answer, "you know knowledge is like a drug, a drug without a cure, it's incurable, and it's a bitch! To ignore! So are you gonna fight it or lose to it!".
"who are you!?" He asked.
I rolled my eyes, "so many questions so little! Time".
"you won't do anything you're a girl, and I'm stronger!", I raised my eyebrows and started to laugh.
"well let's see!" I said just before I heard the door open, I spun round and at last minute saw the Joker, the knife was on the tip of my fingers lucky I pushed the knife to the left, it brushed passed his ear, cutting it, he look at me shocked, the man wrapped his arms round me. "boss she attacked me!".
"oh come on I did warn you if you came closer!" I said fairly high pitched.
"shut up princess!" I saw red then.
I stamped on his foot, "no!" I kicked him in the balls, "one!" I pulled my foot up to connect with his face, "calls!" He stumbled backwards, so I kicked him in his chest, winding him, "me!" I bought my first up and connected with his jaw, "PRINCESS!!" And with that I spat on him.
I heard clapping from behind me, "well done doll, not well done for nearly killing me but well done for beating his ass!" I smile to him. "anytime, shit my hand hurts!".
"let me look at it doll!" I nod and pass him my hand, "doll you just cut yourself!".
"no shit!" I whisper, he laughed.
"follow me....princess!" I gave him a evil look and he laughed.
"don't even bother, Joker!" I say, he laughed and gestured for me to follow him, he took me into a office looking room I didn't look at the room much because I didn't care.
"wait here!" He smiled, and walked into another room and coming back a minute later, "here, sit down doll and give me your hand" I did as instructed, "you really gave that guy a beating!" He laughed putting some liquid stuff on a cotton wool pad, and placed it on my knuckles, I didn't notice, "doll that was meant to hurt!" He said noticing me not flinching or wincing.
"oh it was!" I said surprised, he nodded.
"it was meant to hurt, I would of warned you but since you nearly killed me I didn't!".
"good story!" I said sarcastically, "and I wasn't trying to kill you, I thought you was someone else!".
"who could I be?".
"I don't know I was just so full of rage, I felt as if I've been keeping it in for years, you know I would of killed him if you hadn't come in!" I said looking at him, realizing he had applied a fresh coat of makeup.
"I know I could see, must of felt weird for you!". "why!?".
"taking someone's life, or in your case feeling as if you was!".
I laugh, "too late for that! And I don't remember!".
"wait so your a virgin but a killer!? Impressive!", I smile trying to think about the first time I took someone's life, then I remembered it was my mother and I felt nothing, "there you go doll, all better!" He said smiling and pushing a bit of hair behind my ear, I blink coming back to reality, "in your own world doll?".
"hmm...of yeah!".
"so where did you learn to throw knives like that!".
"I didn't!" I lied.
"don't play games with me, I know someone doesn't just know how to throw a knife like that, and then realize they don't want to kill that person and then moves it slightly so it doesn't hit them! I could tell the knife left your hand". "ha who said I didn't want to hit you!".
"doll your so mean!".
"like if I hit you I'd be free!".
"then why didn't you!".
"I don't know, I don't know at all! So don't ask!". "oh wow doll, you haven't been here for more then a day and you've already paralyzed one of my guys, gave me a restless night and are telling me what to do...huh...I was pretty sure I was the one who kidnapped you!" I smile almost forgetting about the last part, "so are you ready to admit you flirted with me!" He asked smiling.
"nope....I didn't and we can go on forever like this but I'd never admit that I did when I....didn't!".
"oh doll your so stubborn!" He said nudging me arm.
"so does that mean you give up?" I asked hopefully.
"hahaha doll I'm stubborn too! I guess that means we can go on forever then!" I couldn't but help laugh at that.
"Oh god that funny!" I said still laughing. "why!?" He asked smiling.
I answered still laughing, "well I just thought of us staying here forever saying you did and I didn't! It just made me laugh!".
Luckily he got the funny side and joined in in my laughter, "that is quite funny actually but I think we'd have to sleep and eat at some point!".
"yeah and shit!" I stated.
"oh yeah, well...I didn't think about that!" He said quite thoughtful.
"people normally don't think about the more practical and well gross things!".
"you're quite weird!" He said looking at me. "well the weirdest people make the best people! I'm I right?".
"yeah!" He smiled.
"so what is it you wanna know?".
"hmm oh yeah....where is Harvey Dent....but I know that already!".
"then why keep me here?".
He tensed at my remark, "because your fun, and presides I need someone to talk too and laugh with, you seem to have the same sense of humor as me!".
"oh so you're lonely!".
"no I'm not, I'm not!" He said warning me,
"yes you are!" I said not caring about his last comment.
He sighed and said, "I give in!".
"yesss I win!" I said in a childish way but soon smiled, "and you my friend lose!" I said smiling towards him.
"oh I haven't....yet!".
"ha I like how you said 'yet'! It made you sound as if you've given up already but! Don't want to believe it yet!".
"okay doll! Whatever! You wanna believe!" I smile and look towards the door he came out of with the first aid kit.
"that doll is my room!".
"you was looking at my bedroom door, nobody but me goes in there it's almost like my safe haven!".
"hmm I guess we all have to have one of them!".
"what's your safe haven!?" He asked.
"my imagination, not my mind, not my memories definitely not them, but my imagination, to help with my imagination I usually have to be doing something!".
"like what?".
"something with knives!".
"one like this!?" The joker started to pull a nice polished blade out of his waistcoat pocket, hesitated it was my blade, the blade I through at the guy in the bank, but how!?
"I realized that you was the girl at the bank when I meant you at Bruces party, the look in your eyes told me! Nice blade by the way!" He said passing me it back, I took it looking at him, "so explain!".
"oh...ok first I'd better start at the start..."

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