Chapter 8-Tweets

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The show was completely amazing! I could notice that Niall was trying to find me even at both stages. I caught that he noticed that I wasn't in my other seat. After the concert, I texted my dad to see if he could pick me up later, seeing as the show ended at 10:38 and Niall said "See you after the show." I was back behind David, following his every mood. I began to get used to seeing the back side of him, even making a game out of it. Holding my body high, my back straight, barely swaying my arms, and always seeming to hold my breath, just as David did.

"I'll be outside of the door, leading you out when you are ready." His deep voice spoke to me as we stopped in front of a new door that didn't even have a lable on it.

I gave one nod of the head and smiled small as he shyly mirrored. I placed my hand on the doornob before looking at David again. "Are you my body guard?" I finally asked the question that stayed in the back of my mind since the situation with the fan had occured.

A chuckle vibrated in the back of his throat as his teeth peeked through a glowing smile, "In a way, yes."

"Why do I need a body guard?" I asked, wondering but also delaying having to embarrass myself in front of the boys.

"You'll need one, Miss. Julia." He said as he turned his body to the side, hinting me to go on in.

Twisting the doornob, I could feel my heart beat through my chest. Finally opening the door, I laid sight on an empty room. After walking in, the door shut, David must have shut it. I was now in the empty room, by myself. Suddenly, my phone went off. Also checking the time as I looked to see who had caused my phone to alert me, it was 10:52. Having two unread message, one must have went unheard of.

Text Message from Dad: That's fine, sweetheart. Glad you're having a good time. Be safe.

Text Message from Hannah: How was the show? What happened? Did you meet him? Tell me everything!

I guess I was too into reading my text messages since when I heard the door shut again, my body jumped.

"Hey!" Nialls excited voice traveled with a smile as he entered. "Did you have a good time?"

"It was amazing!" I blushed, locking my phone to slide it in my back pocket. "You guys were amazing!" I added as he sat on the couch that was pushed up against the far wall.

"I'm glad you had a good time!" He smiled brightly. You know that smile that just gave you butterflies? It was that smile. "What happened to your other seats?" As he spoke, his eyebrows curved inward in a worried form.

"Oh, about that, I actually gave my seat to a little girl and her mom.." My smile quickly faded as my stomach dropped.

Was I not suppose to do that?

"You know how sweet you are?" He blushed as I finally took a seat next to him.

His words causing my cheeks to suddenly heat into a shade of red.

50 shades of red.

"Thanks." I said with a smile, even if I didn't believe him.

"You really are," he smiled through his irish accent "I've read through your tweets a couple times and have been moved everytime, you put so much emotion into everything you say." his smile barely fading with every word.

"Niall.." I become speechless as I remembered what I all tweeted in the past couple weeks.

"Julia, I'm here for you even if you think I won't be just because I'm always busy." He spoke in a low voice, slightly gapping his lips to say something else, until the door swung open.

"Niall!" Harry busted through the door with the others following closely behind, "Lets go!" He said in a sudden laugh.

"Yeah, it's getting late, we need to get on the road for the next city." Liam said responsibily.

My eyes eased back over to Nialls, reaching for my phone to let my dad know. "Do you have a ride?" He said with sorrowful eyes. I nodded my head with a smile as I pulled out my phone to text my dad. "Uh," He become at a loss with his words "could I get your number," he asked with a shaky voice, a smile tugging on my lips at the beautiful sound of his accent, "so I don't have to keep checking twitter to talk to you." he added with a smile.

"Of course, you can." I smiled handing him my phone at the dial screen after exiting my conversation with my father, after texting him to be on his way. He soon handed my phone with his number programed into it:

Best Person Ever<3

*Okay, so this is a super short chapter like super short and I can't be anymore sorry so, sorry, but the next time I am updating will be on Sunday because I will be with friends all weekend!

Thank you again for all the reads and beautiful comments and lovely votes! I love you guys so much!

~Mara *

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