Chapter 3

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Niall's POV

I watch her walk back into her room, and run my hands through my hair and took a few deep breaths. My mind was buzzing and my stomach was turning with excitement, the way it does when your crush makes eye contact with you or brushes your hand accidentally.

That girl, Jess I mean, had brown hair, which is currently the only connection to my insane thought that she's the girl I'm supposed to have dreamt about. I know it's not possible, but I don't know why I feel the way I do right now if it would be anything else. Maybe Liam was right about me being psychic...nope, not happening.

After I grab my candy bar from the vending machine, I sprint back to mine and the boys' room. I burst through the door and all the boys look up at me. "Hey mate! What's up?" Louis asks me from the couch, looking somewhat concerned with the way I just entered the room.

"Um, nothing. Hey Liam, can I talk to you in my room?" I ask.

"Yeah. Let's go," He said after he got up from the couch. I strode into my shared room with Harry and sat down on the bed right as Liam shut the door behind him. "Are you okay?"

"Dude, I'm starting to think you were right, I'm going a little crazy right now. There's no way that's actually possible right? I mean, people aren't actually-"

"Slow down, what are you talking about?" Liam interrupts me, and I stop rambling only to sigh loudly out of frustration.

"Remember my dream I told you about, and you were giving me shit saying I was psychic? Well, when I went to the vending machines, there was a girl that came in after me. She was just getting ice and then spilt it everywhere, so I was just helping her up and I got such a weird feeling. Not a bad feeling, just like we've met or something. I don't know, am I really psychic or am I stupid?"

"You're not stupid but you're definitely not psychic," Liam rolls his eyes and then sits a couple feet away from me on the edge of the bed. "So, what do you mean by feeling? Like you got butterflies in your stomach?" He laughs, shoving me a little bit. I laugh but shrug, I guess I hadn't thought of it that way, I was too busy stuck on the fact that I may have superpowers.

"I mean, I guess you could call it that, but I don't know I didn't think of it much that way after I got to thinking about that girl from my dream. She just seems familiar to me, you know? Maybe I just think she's cute, I don't know," I start rambling again but stop myself this time, and look over at Liam. "I mean, she is coming to the concert, so maybe I did get some of it right," I laugh and he stands up.

"Well, let's start there. You know her name, and she's coming to the concert, so maybe you'll see her again tonight. If you do want to see her again that is," Liam states.

"I do, and yeah you're right. Plus, she's just down the hall. If I really wanted to try and get her number or something, she's on this floor," I start coming up with ideas of how to try to meet her again but make it seem nonchalant.

"See, there will be plenty of time to try and see her again. Maybe we can find her in the crowd tomorrow tonight or read her tweet if she sends one in. What's her name?" Liam asks.

"Her name is Jessica. Jessica Turner," I smile to myself a little bit and start to zone out, thinking about seeing her again. This is starting to seem a little unrealistic though, I mean I literally just met her and I'm not sure if she'd even want to see me again. Hell, she may only like me because I sing on a stage.

Liam's POV

"Looks like you've got this figured out bro, I'm going to go back to the living room if you think you're all good," I say to him as I start to walk out of the room. I look back at him and he just nods, but still looks zoned out. I know he's tuning out to think about her, and I think back when I used to do that when I'd think about Danielle. At least the boys told me I did. Maybe she will be his princess, like Danielle was supposed to be mine. We broke up two years ago, but I still miss having someone to zone out for just thinking about them. Maybe I'm ready to find that again.

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