Past entwined

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I turned the page of the book I was reading, it was a classic love story which is being made into a movie. A movie where I am playing the lovely, carefree, strong Katherine who fell in love with a handsome soldier Xavier.

When the producers approached me with the story, I was so intrigued that I said yes without a second thought. I asked them to send me the book from which the movie is adapted and I have been reading it since this morning when I woke up and saw this book in my rack where my manager Roni left it yesterday.

You know the feeling when you read a good book, a book so emotional... So touching that it shakes you to the core. Especially a love story which makes you long for a love that characters are experiencing reminds you of the one person you are trying to forget.

In my case, it would be the one and only Adrian Cruz.

I pulled my throw blanket tighter around me, I was wiping my eyes with some tissues after completing such a wonderful story when Roni walked in.

I live in a very chic deluxe Condo, I bought a few months back.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't know." She said giving me a bear hug.

I wondered what has gotten into her this morning.

"I am sorry Myra if I knew it. I wouldn't have told the producers you have free dates." Roni continued to blabber.

"Roni... what happened?" I asked confused.

"Wait you didn't see it yet?" She asked.

"See what?"

"The news about your new movie."

"What about it?"

"They are casting Adrian against you." She said in a slow voice.

"Adrian? As in Adrian Cruz.?" I asked my voice skipping a beat.

"Yea.. didn't they have to discuss that with you?" She asked walking like a mad person to and fro.

"Shit. I was so intrigued by the story that I said yes before asking them who they are gonna cast in Xavier's Character."

"Oh my god!! I hope it won't be awkward." Roni said finally sitting beside me.

"We are professional actors Roni, of course, we could pull our personal crap together and work," I said not truly believing what I said.

"The internet is having gala time over this," she said it with a chuckle.

She quickly took her phone out and typed our ship name #adrya into her search bar.

Her phone screen filled with thousands of our photos together.

Roni started reading the title of the very first article under the photo gallery.

"Adrian Cruz and Myra Wilson are back together."

"Could this be any more twisted." I wondered, catching my head in my hands.

"Well, it is actually true," Roni said chuckling again.

I narrowed my eyes at her, " you were the one who came running chanting sorry."

An instant frown lit up her face, "But you said you are okay with it."

I shook my head with a small sigh escaping my lips.

"How long has it been?" She asked.

"18 months" I replied.

"Do you want me to read it?" She asked.

I vaguely nodded my head, "Do you want some coffee?" I asked her.

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