Fun Facts About Me

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Don't be offended

1. I don't get offended by the word "faggot" or "queer" because if you look up the definition it's just says gay male

2. I love leafy is Here LeafyIsQueer

3. I hate Minecraft even though I where a Minecraft shirt everyday because it's the only 'boy' clothing I have

4. I also wear a batman hoodie because batman is life

5. I got bored one day made a video for myself I wanted an outro so I came up with the first thing that came to my mind batman sucks cock don't ask but that's my catch phrase now

6.i was emo but I cut all my hair off I'm mad now I cut it off because I wanted to look more like a guy but now I'm just super depressed because I miss my emo ness

7. If someone says jinks and then then they say you o me a soda I'll say you o me a pie becaus did rather have a pie even thought mt dew is life and my mommy says I'm going to rot my teeth out

8. I draw

9. I get super hot at night even when it's cold and I like to have a million blankets

10. I can only fall asleep by listening to asmr or I'll just not sleep at all

11.i wish I was left handed because I find that cooler

12. I'm really good at shooting SO YOU BETTER WATCH OUT SON.
And I'm good at bow and arrow to

13. I have at least 10 water bottles in my bed following a gallon water jug to fill them all up every night because I drink way to much water at night

14. Destiel is the only reason

15. Only the bestest people's call me yogurt Jesus promise seeds bor bor I'll explain later

16. I have no spelling skills write now and I'm to lazy to fix it deal with it

Anyways always remember

Suck Dick On Accident

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