Chapter 1: "What Did I Do?"

Start from the beginning

"Signed you up for it last week. You're supposed to attend next Monday."

I sat up in shock. They didn't even ask my opinion! Sure, I looked at that paper at least 10 times before they decided on a school, but just springing it on me last minute?!

Who does that?

I stood from my bed, exasperated.

"Mom! How could you? First you move me to a place I don't recognize. Then, you chose a school for me behind my back! Next thing I know, you'll be holding a contest for someone to be my husband."

I huffed and crossed my arms.

"Sweetie. You were taking too much time. Law states that you have to be in school. We had to come up with something. We didn't grab the first school we saw. Okhasis seemed promising, but-"
"Yea, I know. You gotta turn in your forms in late June early July."

I cut her off, looking at the ground.

"Not like I could get into there anyways."

I muttered. My mother stood up and hugged me, holding me close to her. I stood there with crossed arms, signifying that I wasn't as angry as I looked. I mean, this was total mutiny and my mother should walk the plank.

But she at least cared.

She smiled down at me.

"We'll get all your supplies tomorrow. I promise. This school is the one you've hoped for."

Her grin always made me smile. So little do I ever get to see it. I return it and shrug.

"I wanted my old school."

I started.

"But I'll settle for the new one."


My mom had taken me shopping all Saturday and Sunday. I ended up with a (c) backpack and large packs of pencils and papers. Several notebooks and bags cluttered my new backpack, causing it to be slightly heavy. But I didn't mind. Gotta face the day with a smile.

I made my way to the bus stop, playing on my phone and not paying attention to the world around me. Then the bus rolled up, gathering us all inside.

The bus was louder than a sorority party.

Was this high school, or a football game?

I was automatically pushed to the back of the bus. Not that I actually wanted to sit in the front. This was the party bus. And all this happened because the hunk of the school, Garroth Ro'Meave was there.

How did I know this?

At least 10 people shouted his name as he walked behind me. Pointing and making faces at him before pulling him into a seat. I practically raced to the end of the bus to escape the rabble of horribly chosen pop tunes and perfume clouds.

So those are the popular kids.

I decided to leave them alone. They didn't bother me that much. So in turn, I wouldn't be bothering them.

I looked at the back of the bus. It was almost barren. In fact, only one kid was sitting there. A boy, about my age. Or at least, that's what I could gather from the face I saw reflected in the window. He had black hair covering one of his eyes, the other a sparkling blue. He wore the school uniform with a stretched collar and a large blue scarf covering his face and neck. He hugged his knees, sitting in the corner of the bus, face plastered against the window. I sat down next to him, not wanting to be alone. I put down my things and stuck my headphones in my ears, when he turned around to glare at me.

"Who are you?"

He asked in a mocking tone. His cold eye stared at me. I took out one of the earbuds.

"I-I'm y/n."

I answered, hoping he wouldn't continue the conversation.

But he did.

My life is a mistake

"Y/n? Well, you should know that this is my spot back here. Only the most hardcore sit here with me"

I looked around at the back of the bus

Empty seats.

I frowned and gripped my bag next to me, afraid of being kicked out of the "club".

"I guess I'm hardcore then."

I said with a smile, giggling a bit.

He scrunched up what I could see of his nose and made a sound I couldn't describe.

"No, you're a foolish freshman who doesn't know the rules around here."

He practically shoved me to the other side of the seat. My head hit the backing of the chair.

"Argh- what the hell?? What did I do?!"

I asked, sitting up slowly and holding my head.

"You made the mistake of sitting next to me."

He turned up his music so loud I couldn't hear myself think. Between the Nicki Minaj up front and Green Day in the back, I couldn't listen to my own choice. I slumped into my seat, muttering swears and curses towards the black haired boy that sat inches away from me.

This was going to be a long day.


Admin time!!
Do you ever get that craving? To write what you're not currently working on? That's what I had when I wrote this. Since my other book, A Battle Worth Winning is getting a bit darker, I decided to write a lighter fanfic beside it. And I hope everyone likes it.
Thanks for reading!! :)

That emo kid - A Zane x reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now