Chapter One: Girl Meets Lukey

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"Alright, Ms. Jackson, Mr. Babineaux, you are headed to Mr. Matthews' history class. That's just down the hall, first door on the left." The secretary told us.

"Ok. Thank ya, ma'am." I told her as we left the office. "Do you think Lukey will be surprised to see us?" I asked.

"He better be. We flew three hours for this."

"Right here." We could hear the teacher's voice from outside.

"1831, in Belgium-" Zay pushed the door open.

"What? You started without us?"

"Get out!" Some random kid growled, standing up. His eyes fell on me and a goofy smile replaced his irritated expression. "Hi..."

"Uh, yeah...hi..." I said, eyeing him strangely.

"Somebody in this room is gonna be very surprised to see us." I spotted Lucas, who seemed almost to be avoiding eye-contact.

"Is it me?" The brunette girl in front of the weird kid asked.

"Don't know, sugar, but could you be any cuter?"

"Well, I can't answer that."

"You got a transcript, Kid?"

"I do." He said, handing the teacher our transcripts. "Check out them grades. Let me sing 'em to you. D, D, D, D,D, D F."

"Yeah, I know that song." A blonde girl said.

"Isaiah Babineaux and Skipper Jackson from Austin, Texas." Zay gestured towards Lucas.

"What are you two doing here?" He asked, dryly.

"Well first is waitin' for a better reaction from you."

"Maya, something's changing." The brunette girls aid.

"Ok, Teach. Where do we sit?" I asked. He sent Zay to sit beside Lucas, and I sat beside the weird kid.

"Hi..." He said again, leaning his face on his hand.


"Lucas, do you know them?" The Brunette asked again.

"Yeah, Lukey. Tell 'em." I said. I could tell he didn't want us there, which kind of ticked me off since we were best friends.

"How 'bout we talk later, ok?" He asked.

"Well, if you two work out as well as our last new student, we're happy to have you."

"Wait, Lucas, you're doing well here?" Zay asked.

"Why wouldn't he be doing ok here?"

"No current probation? No disciplinary action?" Now I got why he didn't want us here.

"Zay...shut up." I told her, smiling sweetly.

"Sit down." The kid growled. "Ok, so the new kids are all settled in and there's still class time left, so do it!"

"Dang, kid! Calm 'er down!" I told him. "Teach, do your stuff."

"So, in 1831, Belgium declared-"

"What is he secret of life?" The kid in front of me asked. "I'm sorry Mr. Farkle. I know I'm not your daughter, but I too have value in this world. What is the secret of life?" Mr. Matthews picked up the eraser, preparing to erase Belgium, 1831.

"Don't do it! Put that eraser down and nobody gets hurt." He erased it anyway, and he buried his head in his shirt and banged his head on the desk. I reached over putting a hand on his arm.

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