Chapter 4

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Coming Home by Leon Bridges.


Jaze's POV

I stared at B. God she was beautiful. I always wanted to approach her but... No.

I walked out into the crisp December air, already freezing my ass off. I looked up and could see a big black van speed I got down the parking lot. I knew who it was but they were no where near me. My eyes followed them until they slowed, nearing her car.


Her head snapped up, the van screeching to a halt. A face and body cloaked in black peeked out from the doors.

I burst into a sprint, knowing I was already going to get there too late. I heard her muffled scream as her body was yanked into the van.


I saw the black eyes of the person I already knew what hiding behind the clothes. The eyes crinkled in what I knew was a sadistic smile and the door slammed shut a millisecond later. They sped off and I was stuck.


"Marcus, how could you."

"How could I. ME? Jaze you weren't there. You were wrapped in your own problems about Mel. And how she wouldn't even look at you. I was always lonely, and you never helped. Do you know how I felt! Do you know what that's even like!?"

"We're best friends Marcus. It's been you and I since second grade."

He scoffed at me, "Best friends huh. You wanna show up now after all the times you were gone. I don't need you here, in my life, anymore."


"But nothing Jaze, leave. I don't want you. I wanted you when I was alone but you weren't there."

I felt the sting in my eyes as tears began to form at the sight of my friendship being ripped away from me. Marcus dealt the final blow to my chest as he disappeared in to the shadows. A tear slipped from my left eye, and moistened the dirt at my feet.

"Where were you when I needed you."


I ran to my car, opening the door and jamming the key into the ignition. The fire ignited and the engine started with a roar. The painful memory blocked my train of thought for a millisecond before it cleared again.

Daniel had been trying to break us away from one another since we met. Marcus was my best friend and I told him everything. Daniel was apart of a gang and Marcus and I were successfully leaders of a rival gang. But everything started when Daniel came around.

I knew he was trouble from the beginning but Marcus wanted to combine our gangs so we could rule the Underground. He was blind to how much damage Daniel would cause us.

I remembered Marcus's lifeless black eyes making contact with mine one more time before he was led off into the dark.

I heard a car speed away and that was the last time I saw him.


I had to save her.

I sped after the van, knowing I would catch them. I can't believe I told him how much I loved her.


The voice in the back of my head told me it was true, but I wouldn't believe it. At least not yet.

But we're still too young.

No you're not, you know what you feel and when you feel it.

Yea like that worked last time.

B is different...

I silenced the waring voices in my head as I swerved away from the car
That pulled about in front of me.

I blasted the horn, but had to keep going if I wanted to save her.

I needed to save her. This couldn't happen to me, not again.

Never again.

The black van swerved right, almost toppling over. My heart squeezed in pain as I thought of what could happen to her.

I forged ahead, following them into the black night hoping I could save her.


Justin's POV

I smiled at All through band camp, all of our competitions, and every late night sectional, I had never noticed her. Sure I saw her, but there's a definite difference.

She finished her conversation with Violet and walked over to me with the largest grin on her face. I grabbed her by the waist and pulled her to me. I bear hugged her, loving every second of her pressed against me.

She took a large breath in and I chuckled, "Are you sniffing me?"

Her eyes grew wide, but then she smiled at me, "You've always had this smell, and I'm not sure what it is. I've always been slightly attracted to it." She tapped my nose as she finished off her sentence.

I blinked at her boldness, even though I shouldn't suspect anything else. Mischief was clear as daylight in her eyes, and I couldn't wait to explore it.

I kissed Berk's forehead, stepping away from her. I looked past her shoulder and saw my sousaphone still sitting on the ground.

"You are very distracting you know." I pointed to it, and hers was nearly put away, the giant case tucked into the corner of the practice room.

"Keep up, drum major. I'll see you tomorrow." She said while patting my chest. Berkley sauntered out the band room without another word. I heard her loud laugh and then someone from Drumline stumbled in.

"Will, did she trip you?"

His face turned red, and I grinned. Classic.

After packing away our instruments, I grabbed my book bag and carried it to my car. Time to go home.

My keys jangled on their lanyard, and I hummed some commercial jingle I had stuck in my head.

As I unlocked my car doors I heard the screech of tires leaving the parking lot, "Idiots." I murmured. There were so many speed bumps they were bound to flip their car. Amazingly the van and the car that was right on its tail sped away without a look back.

I smiled as I thought of Berk, hopefully she was on her way home, thinking of me just like I was her.

Berkley, please don't find your soulmate. I know I shouldn't say this but I am a selfish man. If you leave me, I'm afraid you'll be taking part of me with you.



Things are getting spicy!

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