Chapter 5

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Berkley's POV

How overtly cliché and dramatic that I'm in a pitch black basement. Not a window in sight, and it was freezing. Not surprisingly my hands were tied behind my back, and my ankles were tied together.

I mean sure, yes, I'm freaking out right now. These people could kill me, rape me, my family would never know what happened, I'm not making fun of kidnapping. It's kidnappers are original.

If they stuck me in a rainbow room with stuffed animals around me, then I would be crying and screaming because you know, that guy is psycho.

"Hello!" I called out, to no response. I heard static coming from the ceiling and then it cleared.

Speakers in the ceiling, nice.

"Hello Berkley, I'm sure you're wondering why you were kidnapped."

My hands and legs were trembling and my voice came out stronger and more confident than I'd expected, "Is it because of that creepy guy Jaze. The one that not-so stealthily follows me around?"

You guessed it, I knew Jaze watched me. I read way too many romance novels about the curvy girl getting the jock, and I played around with the idea for a while that he might like me. But he never approached me. He never waved or returned a smile I sent him, so I guess he was just wondering how someone could be so...not normal.

I forgot about him for a month because I hadn't seen him, but these people, I guess, knew him?

The man on the other end sent me a startled 'wow' like he couldn't believe I was observant enough to notice a creeper.


"The truth is, we're not going to hurt you." This sent a jolt of relief through me until their next sentence, "...But if Jaze doesn't show up to save you, we're just going to cut our losses and dispose of you."

My hands started shaking once again at the ominous 'disposal' of me. I knew I had to leave but it seemed impossible. I was tied to a chair, in a basement, and had no idea where I was.

But they said Jaze would save me.

F*ck that. (Excuse my language).

All the ladies out here should never depend on a boy to save them, and you should never need a boy period. But that's only my personal opinion.

Now if a boy happens to come along then...that's for later discussion.

I wiggled my hands a little. They were not only trembling from fear, but the cold had really started to get to me. Nope, stuck. I moved my bum around a little to see if I had anything in my back pocket.

Ha! My phone, and a pack of gum? Whatever...

I slid my bum back and forth on the seat trying to work it out. If anyone was watching it'd look like I was grinding the seat...Ew.

I felt my phone come out, and clatter to the ground under my seat. I looked around quickly to see if any doors had opened from the sudden noise. When I was thoroughly done checking, I scooted my seat back centimeter by centimeter as not to make a noise.

Mr. Wrong?Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt