The Elevator (Edited)

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This story is in the process of editing.

Helan' POV

It was close to 8 am and here I was just rushing out of my house and heading for the elevator. I was wearing a comfortable black office suit with a dress coat, bought a year ago in France, Paris.

"Come on! Come On!" I urged the elevator to hurry up as I repeatedly pressed the button.

A minute passed, The lift finally arrives and before the door could fully open I dashed in and spam the closed and ground floor button repeatedly.

The elevator groans as it began moving. Every few seconds, I would glance at the watch on my wrist. The moment it landed, my phone rang and I dash out of the elevator and meet the cold winter air as I answered the called.

"Helan. Where are you?" Yori quiver slightly and I knew I was in huge trouble.

"I'm going to be there in a minute," I said between breath when I bump into someone, dropping my phone in the huge crowd of people.

I yell out an apology and ran at full speed to the office leaving my phone to who knows where. By the time I reached the office, I was out of breath and just as I was about to take a seat the phone beside my desk ring, ordering me to meet with the boss.

I reach out to knock on the door before I could make contact with it, the door open. My rival, Glenn glance at me before leaving with a smirk on his lips.

I enter the room and the boss close the door behind me despite my attempts. I swallowed my saliva nervously.

"It seems the Hu upcoming project is going to be given to Glenn. With just one point above yours. But I...could make an exception," The boss said vaguely as his hand reach my butt and he began groping it. I squirmed from his touch. A sleazy smile on his face.

I stepped away from him and with a bow, I muttered out," I will try harder. I will take my leave". Without even looking at him I left the room.


I bid goodbye to my friends and left the office to a nearby Starbuck for a cup of hot cappuccino before heading home.

A sudden strong wind blew passed rendering my coat useless as I shiver from the cold. Wrapping my hand on my cup to retain some heat, I look up at the sky and saw grey clouds.

I should get home quickly. I thoughts and walk passed the busy road and through a quiet alley before jumping off a height, reaching the building called 'The Valley'. A 30 storey building. It only took a 3-minute journey through this one-way shortcut. The number one rule is not to wear heels.

The door to the elevator was about to close when I heard a yelled of stop before a sudden appearance of a hand. I gave out a soft yelp and immediately pressed the opened door button right before the door almost close in on the hand.

Sweat form on my forehead and palm thinking I barely save the hand when I saw the owner. My eyes went wide and I choke on my breath to see Glenn. He gave a polite smile and pressed the 20th button as he greeted me.

"Hi., "I reply through clench teeth as I pressed the 21st button. An awkward silence filled the air as I stood far away as possible from him.

The elevator let out another exhaustive groan one after another before the sound of metal colliding could be heard. Then, the elevator stopped moving altogether and the light flicker momentarily before leaving us in the dark... alone...together.

"So... Do you want to sit beside me?" Glenn said calmly. I looked at him with a no-thank-you face as i pressed and hold the emergency button. The noisy alarm sounded outside but after 5 minutes there was still nothing.

I sat down close to the wall as possible, almost clinging. "You're not a patient person," Glenn stared at me with his deep dark brown eyes. He doesn't seem to be insulted by my distancing.

"Nope," I replied cooly. Maybe it was the closed space but it was starting to get warm inside the elevator. A stark contrast from outside. I took off the coat and unbuttoned my blazer and clothes of my office suit when I start to sweat.

"Helan... I am a guy," Glenn averted his sight.

"So? You're just a wimp," I reply, receiving a glare from him.

I rolled my eyes as I place my coat between us. Due to nervous and anxiety building up from being alone with him. I dig my bag for anything I could bite into. I found an empty box of cigarette that I bought a few months back. Putting it aside I found an unopened bag of lollipop and pop it into my mouth.

Sweetness exploded in my mouth. "Here," I passed a watermelon flavoured lollipop to Glenn. He took it and place it in his mouth after unwrapping it.

Sweat began to appear and run down our forehead. In the elevator, it felt as hot as summer. I fan myself with my reports and unbutton another button. I had long taken off my blazer.

With a swift, I found myself laying on the floor with Glenn on top of me. The lollipop that was previously in my mouth had dropped to the floor. "Glenn?" I look into his eyes and notice a trace of darkness in it. I struggle to free my hand feeling unsettled.

"Don't blame me. You have been seducing me since always," He whispered. I could feel his breath and deep voice near my ears. Sending a shiver to me.

A figure shadowed Glenn's and in the dark elevator, his face was shrouded. Tears fell down my cheek and I was partly choking on my saliva. My whole body trembled as I repeatedly begged for him to stop.

Glenn immediately pulls away and with worried eyes, he apologizes. He pulled out his handkerchief and reach out to me but I cower at the corner of the elevator. The moment his hand was close to me I slap his hand away.

"Helan.. please let me help you," His voice quiver slightly failing his attempt to be soothing.

But the closer he was the harder I shake and I lose consciousness.

The Elevator (Editing in progress)Where stories live. Discover now