Sam's weird roommate

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Yo! So I was gonna post this tomorrow but I'm going to see the possible Uni (collage) that I'm going to next year, tomorrow so I'm away for the whole day (from 6am and I won't be home until 6pm ;-; it's a two to three hour drive there and back) and iv been looking over the map and I'm gonna get so lost. Also if I go there I hope my roommate isn't as weird as Leo XD (Half edited)

After a semi long drive as finally pulled up at the collage that Sam had gotten accepted into. I opened my door and looked around. "You're lucky to go here Sam." I said I shut the door and walked over to where he stood. I herd some whispers come from a group of people looking over at us.

"You really had to come in your uniform?" Sam said as he started to get slightly embarrassed. "I had no time to change." I said with a shrug and opened the boot of the car and grabbed one of Sam's boxes.

"Hey, you two go ahead. We'll, uh, we'll get the rest of Sam's stuff. Just go ahead and cheek out you room." Dad said. I looked at him while shifting the weight of the box i'm carrying so i could hold it with out dropping it and said "You sure? I can always come back and help."

Dad looked at me and smiled. "It's fine, we got it." I looked back towards Sam and shrugged. As we started walking towards his dorm room a awkward type of silence felling between us. I sighed and gave him a side glance. "I'm surprised you didn't leave me. After you ignored me for most of the trip here." I said as we started to walk across campus. He also gave me a side glance and sighed. "Im sorry. It's just after what happened two was to much. I was just a normal high school kid when it happened." He said as we walked into the building that had all of the dorms.

Teenagers wandered the halls looking for their rooms and getting to know who they will be living with for the rest for the rest of the year. I sighed and nodded my head in understanding. "It's alright, but you know you could of told him earlier. It was sort of mean that you told him just as you were leaving." I said as we walked up to the room he would be staying in.

We both walked in and sore a guy in a orange shirt putting up posters on the wall. "Hey." Sam said as we walked into the room. The guy in the orange shirt turned around and looked at us. "Hey. You must be Sam, right? I'm Leo." He said and then looked over at me. "And who's this lovely lady in uniform?" He asked as he looked me up and down with a smirk.

I glared at him and opened my mouth to speak when Sam bet me to it. "This is my sister, (y/n)." Sam said looking back at me. Leo then walked up to me and tried to act cool by leaning on his desk but missed it and fell, landing on his face with a thump. I snorted and looked down at him. "Wow smooth move dude."

Leo then stood back up straight and fixed his shirt. He looked at me one more time and then turned back to Sam and coughed slightly. "So, I already set up the crib at bit. You want this side of that side?" Leo asked pointing to both side of the room as he tried not looking at me.

"Um, that side." Sam said as he nodded to the side behind him. "I already chose that side." Leo said as he looking into Sam's eyes. 'Ok this is no awkward at all.' I thought as I put down the box I was holding down by my boots. I then looked back up at them and then and Sam opened his mouth.

"You know what this is? This is the awkward moment." Sam said and I snorted again. "Yeah, see, you're trying to see if I'm a normal guy. I'm trying to see if your a normal guy. Balanced, unmedicated, nothing under the crawl space." Sam said and I looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Good personal hygiene, won't stab me in my sleep." Leo said and I looked between my brother and his roommate with a confused expression on my face. 'These two will get along quite well since there both so weird and awkward.' I though and they carried on with there weird conversation. Until Leo clapped his hands and started to call out names and walk into the next room.

Sam looked back at me and shrugged. "He's your weird roommate." I said and we both walked into the room next door. "Networks up and running." One of the guys in the room said. I looked at the computers screen and sore computer code and videos on his screen. Leo started to talk to Sam but I just turned thin out as I looked over one of the guys shoulders.

Playing on his screen were clips of past fights we had with the Decepicons that people from the public had taken on there phones.

"Leo! We got some brand new Shanghai vid!" The guy sitting at computer monitor I was looking at spoke up as he pulled up a video of the Decepticon we fought last night. 'Shit.' I thought. 'The government is not gonna like this.' I then looked back up at Sam and he had a worried expression on his face.

I then walked over to Sam and tapped his shoulder. "What are we gonna do. I was there and we where told not to let this go public." I whispered harshly at him. "Just try and play it cool." He said as he looked around the room. "Just like the alien robots in LA two years ago that eye one covered up." One guy said. Me and Sam looked at each other.

"Yeah, I saw these robots, and they did this, like, firing thing and they came down and toasted this woman, and she was like..." The other guy said while making weird hand gestures and Sam interrupt him and said "looks fake to me."

"Dude, it's not fake, the Internet is pure truth." The guy who was ranting before said and then looked at me. "She's in the army right? She must have been there when this happened." He said and I shook my head. "There weren't any alien robots. What happened that day was just a weapons test malfunction." I said as they all looked at me.

"Video doesn't lie." He said looked at me and Sam. "It looks fake." Sam said again he started to argue at Sam saying it the truth. "Look, look, look, it's fake. Anybody could do it on any computer, ok? And I wasn't, uh, there, so I can't comment or speculate." Sam said and Leo walked up to him.

And I rolled my eyes as he started going on about something. 'I'm surrounded by idiots.' I though to myself and followed Sam and Leo back into the main room.

"Leo, bad news! We just got scooped, the video's already up on GFR." Crazy dude said and Leo started to rant again. I turned everyone out and started to think about what could be happening back at the base. Or what Bee is doing right now.

I sighed and then I herd Sam going off at Leo. I gave both of them a side glance and snorted when I her that Sam was complaining about working for him.

'Boys will be boys I guess.' I though as I rolled my eyes. 'I wish I stayed with Bee back at the house or be at NEST HQ and being yelled at. Anything is better then being hit on by a weird roommate nerd who is obsessed with the battle between the Autobots and Decepticons.' I sighed and walked out. "Sam I need some air. I'll be back." I said and started to walk out.

"This is going to be a long day." I mumbled to myself. "Oh, here we go." I groaned as I herd mum's voice. "Oh god save me." I said as I tried to walk the other was away from them. "(Y/n) where are you going?" I herd dad say and I turned back around on my heal and smiled. "I was just gonna get some fresh air."

"Oh come on we just got here." Mum said and started to drag me back into Sam's dorm room. 'Save me now!'

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