Chapter Three ~ The Winter Soldier

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"I'm so sorry Steve. He just came and took it." You mutter as the room quietens when you speak.

You are on board a shield carrier and you happen to be explaining to everyone, especially Steve about what had happened. "No, no (Y/N) it's not your fault." Steve's blue eyes look away as he raises a hand to his chin. His blonde hair slicked in his own certain special way looked the same and his muscular body showed quite well in the singlet he was wearing.

He puts his hand to his chin a lot when he's thinking.

You felt really bad about losing a special file. It was Steve's best friend. He liked to look back often and remember all the memories of him and James or better known as Bucky.

"So who.. lost, who's file? I'm sorry, I wasn't listening."

Tony Stark, the billionaire suddenly stood and put his hands into the pockets of his trousers. His sunglasses hid his brown eyes.

You lower your head feeling worse about the situation.

"Describe this-this man to us agent
(Y/N), maybe we can find or catch him and retrieve it." Nick Fury spoke slowly.

You looked at the one eyed man. The leader, the one who offered you your job here.

You don't meet his eyes and sigh.

"He, he had medium long brown hair, and- and blueish, greenish eyes. He was tall and he had a muzzle over his
mouth. His eyes were covered in black." You paused to look at each and every agent, including Tony.

You were about to tell them he was quite good looking, but obviously that wouldn't be necessary. So you cleared your throat and spoke again.

"Uh- uhm, he- he had this metal, robotic arm. It had a red star."

"Metal arm?" Fury raised an eyebrow.

"Yes.. But his eyes, they weren't harsh, or scary. They looked sad.. And even lost.." You felt yourself carry on about him and quickly stopped.

"So this guy just barged into your place and took the file." Tony paced.

"Well, yes."

You looked to Tony, and then to Steve. They were so different. In each and every way. Yet, you were really good friends with both of them. Understanding both perspectives.

Fury sat down with other agents and talked to them. Telling them to get back to work.

Tony touches his phone screen and drags his finger across it to make it large.

In front of us, are a few photographs and a lot of news letters and articles on a man named, 'The Winter Soldier.'

You stand close to the pictures, identifying the soldier.


This was the man.

"Seem familiar?" Tony licked his lips and raised both brows.

Steve moved close to the screen standing next to your tiny frame then he too looks at you.

"This is him." You stare at the photograph. Then Tony gets rid of it with a flick of his wrist and gives both Steve and you a nod.

"Right. Perfect. Let's get you back your pretty little file on Bucky Boo, Steve."


Tony obviously upset Steve with those words. But You had gone and told him that it was just Tony, sarcastic and straight up. Not to feel angry at him. He wasn't asking for a fight.

You sigh as you reach your apartment building.

Reaching into your bag for the keys your slowly lift your hand to the door.

The door was already open.

You confusingly frown and shove your keys away and pull out a small gun. Creeping in slowly you take one glance and it's enough to make you gasp.

Everything was trashed, destroyed. The place was basically upside down.

Whoever was here was after something. Or after you.

You release the safety part to your gun and ready your weapon, because whoever was here may still be here. Cautiously you step over broken pieces of chairs and check around the place.

Last afternoon the Winter Soldier was here and took that file. Maybe he was back? But why? Is there something else.

You run to your bedroom and kneel down on the dusty floor to remove a plank from your wooden floorboard, and pull out the blue book with the red star.

He must be after this.

You clutch it to your chest and replace the floorboard.

Then, there is a noise.

You stand quickly and back up to the wall aiming your gun at the door. Someone's here. It's got to be him.



Ooo, is he back? Let's find out in the next chapter!! ❤️

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