『chapter 1 - 章節一』

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i don't need a soulmate.

my parents were reluctant to exempt me from their fruitless attempts at forcing me to try and find a soulmate, but they did, eventually.

i'm leading a perfectly good life so far. no worries about finding my soulmate.

to me, soulmates could be compared to those scented candles you get at the yankee candle stores; nice to have, but not really necessary.

i didn't really want to work at my dad's coffee shop, like my parents suggested, so i just found a nice, good paying job at the percussion instruments store in nakwon music mall. i only got a part-time job, though. i still have to concentrate on my studies.

speaking of studies: for some reason, my parents didn't put me in kindergarten until a year after i was supposed to. i don't know how that happened. i think my parents said that the doctor messed up my year of birth.

so here i am, an 18-year-old stuck in a room full of 17-year-olds.

oh... i didn't mention that i was in school? well, now you know.

i usually sit in the back. yes, i know i sound like one of those stereotypical main characters of stories that say "i'm so special, i sit in the back, cut off from the rest of my classmates."

look, man, i just don't like people looking over my shoulder. i have friends in my classes too.

anyway, back to my story. i'm just sitting in my seat, waiting for class to start since i'm a goody two-shoes, unlike my practically yelling classmates (some of them, at least).

our homeroom and first period teacher, mr. frisk, didn't really mind us being loud before his lessons started.

you probably might be wondering, "how the fuck is there a teacher with a swedish name in a korean school?"

but don't ask that.

that's like asking, "how the fuck is there a teacher with an asian name in an american school?"

just... don't ask.

he's fluent in korean, so it's okay.

"oh! you're here!" i hear mr. frisk exclaim. "alright, guys! we have a new student!"

oh, great. i feel like one of those young adults novel protagonists when they see their "true love" for the first time.

"hey, dude," my friend zoya whispers to me, "your chest is glowing a little bit."

"what? really? nice," i reply. "oh, wait..."

"everyone, this is jeon jungkook, your new classmate!" mr. frisk announces.

he dramatically gestures towards a boy walking through the door, whose chest was also glowing a bit.

oh, god, no.

"oooh! do we have soulmates in my class?" mr. frisk starts waggling his eyebrows.

i stick my tongue out at my teacher. (don't be alarmed. our class is very playful with him.)

he sticks his tongue out back at me and turns to jungkook, "since you two are soulmates, i'll have you take zoya's seat, next to wingman, over there."

zoya puts her hand on her chest and widens her eyes in shock, and jungkook does that too... just without the putting his hand on his chest part.

"YOU CAN'T SEPARATE US, MR. FRISK!" zoya slams her hands on her desk in a jokingly dramatic matter.

he makes the "nah nah nuh boo boo" motion at her as she stands up to take the seat in front of me.

jungkook is still standing at the front. mr. frisk gestures for him to walk to his new seat.

the boy seems stiff as he is walking towards the seat next to mine. poor boy. he's probably socially awkward.

when he is fully seated on the chair, i stick my hand out for him to shake and smiled at him, "hi, i'm ho waiwing, but you can just call me wingman. even though i'm not a man."

his eyes widen more as he glances from my hand to my face and to the floor. then he slowly but surely extends his hand out for me to shake. i take his hand in mine and shake it firmly.

i'll admit, he's cute. he's not really my type though.

"h-hi... i'm jeon jungkook..." he replies shyly.

i sigh a little bit, "i... already know that."

"oh... sorry..."

an awkward silence follows. it's still homeroom, so the rest of the class is still loud.

"so..." i trail off, "are we supposed to fall in love, or...?"

jungkook just shrugs.

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