"I'm a bit tired...." He said after a moment of silence and Helena ran a cloth on his head then shoulders and neck removing any remains of hair.

"You will take your dinner in bed then." I will not take dinner at all.

"So will you....not in bed that would be awkward...I mean in my bedroom... Not on the bed but there is a stool next to the bed....I mean you will have to....since you're singing the willow song for me....so you'll take the meal there....that is if you want to....I'm not implying that we..."

"I understand... I'll sing you the song." Helena chuckled at his awkward speech.

"I hear you and Dawson are friends." Alfonso drawled changing the subject to the rumour that was bothering him. He knew that he should not be bothered by Helena but he was...a lot. He could not even keep it in his system any longer.

"Yes, we went to St Peter's to a restaurant. It had good ribs. Then we used to converse when I came to visit you..." Helena said oblivious of the purpose of the question.

"Talk about...?"

"Random stuff, him...me... You and Alex."

So I'm random?
"Okay, you seem close...the two of you. The hospital stuff thinks that too. They say you are well acquainted." Alfonso said still sitting in front of the mirror, now staring at Helena who was staring back through the glass.

"Yes we are really familiar..." Helena said feeling obliged to respond but not knowing how to. She moved away from him shifting her eyes from the man in front of her to her hands she held in front of her. Alfonso took that as a guilty gesture.

"Do you have any other connections than are not just being well acquainted, I should know about?"

"Are you accusing me of having an affair with Donald, Sir Diego?" Helena asked her voice now threateningly low and cold.

"And you are calling him, Donald!" Alfonso exclaimed incredulously even throwing his hands in the air for emphasis. Helena backed away a bit, terrified by the sudden outlash of the person she was forced to call a husband.

"How can you think such? You do not have the right to. I am married. No, there are no other connections."

"Would you tell me if there were?" The couple was involved in a cold battle. Stone calm, cold and biting fight yet non of them showed their anger.

"There is non."

"I feel there is something you are hiding from me. What is going on between you and Dawson?" Alfonso stood up from his chair and walked over to Helena who backed away when she saw Alfonso approaching.

Helena looked around the room her gaze not meeting Alfonso's, "That is just a feeling." She mumbled.

Alfonso moved closer to her and she backed away till her back hit the wall with Alfonso towering over her in front of her petite anatomy. Helena looked at the floor.

"What are you hiding from me, Helen?" He asked. He knew he was being selfish but he did not want what happened with Melanie to happen again. He felt insecure and suddenly ugly and old when he compared himself to Dawson.

"Nothing." Helena managed and looked away from over his hand that was locking her onto the wall. She was completely caged and there was no coming out from his arms.

"Ma Donna look at me..." Helena didn't, she kept on looking out the window from above his arm, "Helen, I am talking to you. Look at me."

"I am not Ma Donna." She whimpered.

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