|| Two || Jack

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All I saw was darkness at first.
I slowly woke up to the sound of birds tweeting and I looked around to see that everyone was asleep, I couldn't help but laugh at John, he fell asleep holding his gun like it was a teddy bear.
I stopped laughing and started wondering why we were all in the same room and when I remembered I wish I hadn't cause I was terrified now.
I slowly got out of the room to go downstairs when I heard someone behind me and I pulled out my knife and it was mu mom.
"Oh well don't you love your mother."
"Sorry, I thought you and dad were still at work or out or something."
"We would've been but your father had a little too much to drink."
"Can't say I'm surprised."
"Well you and the boys should get some breakfast."
"Yeah, I was just gonna go brush my teeth."
"Okay, well once you're down go wake your brother and your friend up."
"Got it."
I went to the bathroom once she left into her room and washed my face and then brushed my teeth.
After that I woke John and Jackson up and they both went to the bathroom to wash their faces and then brushed their teeth, we always keep a spare so Jackson used that one.
After that we all headed downstairs and John made breakfast cause he was the chef of the family and he made some of the best breakfast I ever had.
He made eggs, hash browns, and pancakes.
After we ate John and Jackson realized what had happened yesterday and so they started talking about it right away.
"So what are we gonna do knowing this person is on the loose!?"
"I don't know but we need to do something but we can't tell anyone, not even mom and dad. Ok?"
"Alright, so what are we gonna do now."
"Well we know that this person is most likely going to come at night so we have some time. I say we try to see if there is anything that could give us any information about this person if this has happened before."
"Ok, lets go then."
We all got up and got into my car and drove to a friends house that was close by... Alex.
We got there and knocked on his door.
"Why did you choose to come here?"
"Alex knows this city, he knows if something weird is going on or not."
"Well we better hope he knows."
Alex opened the door and spoke, "Hey, what do you guys want?"
"Hey Alex, do you happen to know anything about this random guy who just stands under lights at night?"
He stood there thinking about it for a while and after what seemed like forever he answered.
"No, not that I've encountered but I have heard stories of a man who does do that around this city."
"Do you know anyone who might actually know more about it?"
"No, I don't think anyone would know cause I would've heard about it by now, the closest person you could try is Quiet."
John asked, "You mean Eric?"
"Ok, thanks Alex. I'll talk to you later."
"Alright, you'll find Eric around the beach just walking around."
We nodded and got back into the car and drove to the beach.
After a while we found a place to park the car and we started to look around for Eric and then John got caught up with some girl that thought he was cute but I dragged him away before it became awkward cause he's antisocial and then we didn't have time.
After about an hour we finally found Eric and we ran up to him and spoke, "Eric do you know anything about a guy who stands under lights at night."
He stood there for a few minutes and spoke in a very soft and quiet voice, "Yeah, I haven't heard much but I have seen the person but I never went up to them."
"Can you tell us about this person."
"All I can say is that you need to not think about it cause the more you worry about it the worse it gets."
"Ok, well thanks for telling us."
"No problem, do you need help."
"We need as much help as we can get."
Eric got in the car and we drove to Alex's house and asked if he wanted to help and he hopped right into the car and we drove home.
It was turning into night and we went into Johns room and he gave all of us weapons to defend ourselves and we would do the same as yesterday.

Hours pass by and nothing happens until Eric whispers, "I think I see him."
We all look out towards the window Eric is looking at to see some guy slowly waving in what seems to be at all of us until Eric grabbed a little rock from the room and threw it at the guy he moved a little and stared up at us while doing the slicing neck motion and then the lights turned off again and we all looked at each other confused.
After that we all went back to our windows and we continued to watch every window and entrance there was into the room cause we weren't taking any chances of losing anyone even if we didn't like them but that wasn't the case in here.
After hours we all got sleepy and Jackson was the first to pass out and then all of us started to pass out one by one and then I passed out and saw nothing but darkness at first and then saw the person standing there with a spotlight over him.
I was scared when I realized he was covered in blood and to top it all off he was wearing old ripped clothes that looked like clothes either me and John use to own and I realized that it wasn't gonna be a good night for me.
No "goodnight" tonight is "badnight".

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