Chapter I

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Hey there, everyone! So, I was in my school's library and I found The Lost Hero. I was like "What the Hell?" and started to read it again. While reading, I remembered this fanfiction. Haha...I hope you people are still waiting on me to update it 😅. If you are, thanks for the patience!

Anyways, I hope you enjoy chapter one of Son of Lupa...

"Mama!" a young voice yipped. Lupa slowly opened her eyes and looked over towards her pup. "What is it, Perseus?" she asked. "I'm hungry! Can we go hunting?" the pup asked as his eyes flashed orange. Lupa sighed and stood up. "Okay, but stay near me," she ordered as she pawed out of the cave. Perseus nodded frantically and ran after her mother.

It had been a few centuries since Perseus was born, and Lupa had treasured those few centuries dearly. Perseus had grown quite well so far. He still had his silk black fur and red tipped ears and tail. He was still the size of a pup, but it would take him a few more decades to reach his mother's size. His eyes, were his most endearing quality in Lupa's opinion. Her son's eye color was normally sliver, like her own, but with a little tint of red in them. But unlike her's, Perseus's eyes changes sometimes from seven colors.

Red, green, pink, orange, blue, yellow and then purple. Each color represented one of the Seven Deadly Sins. Lupa didn't quite understand it, but Hades seemed quite interested in her pup's abilities as the God of Sins.  Chaos reassured the goddess that, in time, Percy would grow into his godly powers. With a little training here and there, he would grow into them just fine.

Her son was a playful little pup, and loved those close to him. Sometimes it was too much for the wolf goddess, and Lupa ended up falling asleep for hours on end. But thankfully, Persephone and Hades visited every now and then. Persephone, being the loving goddess she is, became like an aunt to Perseus. Hades became an uncle, and even Chaos visited on rare occasions.

"Hey, mama, you're spacing off again," Perseus yipped. Lupa blinked and looked down at her son, with love in her eyes. "Sorry, Percy, I was just thinking," she said. Percy giggled childishly at the sound of his nickname. "Then stop thinking, and help me hunt!" he yipped as he ran towards some bushes. Lupa chuckled as she followed closely behind her pup.

Percy sniffed around, "Food, food...Where are you, food?" he muttered as he sniffed around the forest. "Perseus, your gluttony is showing," Lupa pointed out amused. Percy looked back on his mother to reveal that his eyes had turned to orange. "Sorry, mama," he muttered as his eyes turned back to its silver-reddish coloration. Lupa chuckled at her son's reaction. He was also a bit of a mama's boy, and Lupa found it amusingly adorable.

"It's alright," the Mother of Rome reassured as she pawed up to her pup. Percy nodded and continued sniffing. "Doe," he muttered as he smelled the scent of the doe in the air. Lupa nodded, "Can you tell where it is exactly?" she inquired. Percy scented the air again. "A few meters from here," he answered. Lupa nodded, "Correct again, let's go get some breakfast," she said. Her pup grinned and scampered towards the scent.

"Percy, stay near me!" Lupa yelled as she ran after her child. "But, mama, I want food!" Percy whined as his eyes turned orange again. "Dear, your gluttony is showing again," Lupa scowled lightly. "I'm the God of Sins, it's perfectly normal," Percy replied as he slowed down. "You were talking to Chaos again, weren't you?" Lupa asked. "Yup!" her pup yipped.

Lupa sighed, "I really must talk to him about his blabbering," she muttered. "No, don't. His blabbering is really informative," Percy whined. Lupa sighed in relief. "I knew asking Persephone to teach you would pay off sooner or later," she said. Percy nodded, "Aunt Persephone is really nice," he agreed. Lupa chuckled, "Yes, she sure is," she agreed.

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