Chapter Two

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     Kyungsoo wakes up earlier than usual.He open his eyes and moves slightly feeling the pain on his lower back.The painkiller he took last night before he go to sleep wasnt enough and did'nt fully ease the pain.Jongin really give his all to him.
     He stands up slowly and slides out of the bed, holding on everything that can support him on his way to the bathroom.When he is finally inside the bathroom he pulled off his boxers and shirt leaving himself naked before he steps in the shower.
     He knows his' and Jongin's set up is bad, it was form of cheating and cheating is not healthy for his relationship with Chanyeol.He is just going out with his boyfriend for almost half a year and here he is, having sex with his bestfriend when one of them feel horny or their hormones drove them to the edge.He feels bad honestly but he can't help himself, his fingers wasnt enough -being submissive he is- to satisfy him through his needs so he just let his bestfriend f*ck him intead.Jongin is the only one he let to touch him, he's the only one he can trust aside of his boyfriend.He asked Chanyeol beforeif they cpuld do it but the nerdy giant knows that pre-marital sex is bad and they should do it after getting married so after he said that the smaller didnt to talk to him for the rest of the day due to embarassment.Kyungsoo knew that was really embarassing and Chanyeol is the one that should take the first move, but no, Chanyeol is too busy on his books and sometimes he forgot that he has boyfriend; a needy boyfriend.Being teenager he is, the smaller can't help himself to get through this, though he knows he will be sound like a slut when he asks or beg to his boyfriend to do it.Taller always refuses to it and sometimes that is the reason why they are having a fight or arguement.Chanyeol is a hot, cold guy -thats why- and a total nerd but his sweet and soft side shows off when he met Kyungsoo.He likes Kyungsoo very much.He adores every inch of Kyungsoo has.He love those innocent eyes and full hearted smiles.Every girl or even boys, but only a few wanted him too but his eyes and heart are set on Kyungsoo and the smaller was thankful for that.They a have a good relationship though, they are going out on weekends, showing love to one another in other ways and they are happy to each other.Fondness and adoration is always present in their eyes when they stare in each other.Kyungsoo was grateful he has Chanyeol on his side, for him he was a perfect boyfriend and he loves him so much but theres only one thing missing for him to be totally and completely perfect, maybe you can guess what is it.
      He step out of the shower and grabs the towel hanging beside the door.Drying himself up, he steps in front of the bathroom sink and grab his toothbrush and toothpaste.Looking up at the mirror in front of him, he catches the sight of fading hickey on his left shoulder, rolling his eyes and lightly chuckling at it.He knew he should be guilty on this set up he has with Jongin, yeah at first he felt guilty and bad on cheating on his boyfriend but he can help sometimes to let his brain and hormones win over his heart.
      After preparing himself he go down stairs and walk to the kitchen where his mother preparing his breakfast.After he ate it and say his goodbye to his mother he head out to go to school and meet his boyfriend.


    Jongin approaches the school gates with a gloomy mood.He greet some friends that passes to him and smiles charmingly.Some of the girls giggling and coo, making their best to get the sun-kissed man's attention but much to their efforts they fail.Jongin smiles wider when he spotted his sweet and loving boyfriend on its locker which is next to his locker, this is why they met.It was when Baekhyun was bullied and some of the bullies put trashes on his locker.Jongin was there to help him since the taller was sorting his books on his locker next to Baekhyun's.To admit, Baekhyun has a crush on Jongin since he watch it play in the varsity so when Jongin help him he can't help but to blush madly.After that incident they became friends and the sun-kissed male protect him from the bullies.They started to hang out more and bond until Jongin develop his feelings to him.Baekhyun knows Kyungsoo being his classmate and Jongin's friend.They started dating after a month of Kyungsoo and Chanyeol's relationship started.Sometimes they have double dates and it was fun but they didnt notice the awkward stares that Jongin and Kyungsoo was sharing and exchanging.
    "Hey baby" Jongin greets at baekhyun, kissing its cheek.He really loves Baekhyun especially its sweet and innocent demeanour.
    "Hey" The latter replies, smiling sweetly at his boyfriend.Jongin smiles back, holding his boyfriend on its waist making it shiver at his touch.
    "any plans for tonight?" the taller asks, not minding how his boyfriend shiver at his touch.
    "uhm I guess .. nothing .. why ?" Baekhyun replies looking up at his boyfriend who smiles down at him.
    "so you can over to my house tonight" Jongin muses firmly.Baekhyun shudders at the sight of Jongin dark eyes and the grip on his waist.
     "ahm.. " the latter trails off thinking of what to excuse. "I'll ask mom if I can since she is making dinner for the family tonight" Baekhyun nervously answers, looking up at his boyfriend with a disappointed face.He can feel what might happen if he agree with coming over to Jongin's house.He remember once he come with Jongin to his house to study, well thats what the taller says when he asks Baekhyun.However it didnt happen how it was suppose to be.It was when the couple was sitting on Baekhyun's bedroom alone and Baekhyun was reading and explaining their previous lesson to the taller but Jongin wasnt listening and too dazed on his boyfriend's lips.Baekhyun feels uneasy but he mask it and continue on explaining but he stops when felt Jongin's lips on his neck and hands slipping on his waist to pull him closer, making him whimper at the action.He yelps once he feel the taller lifts him up from the chair and continue on kissing his neck.Jongin throws him softly on the bed but before he can pounce on him, Baekhyun shouted 'stop' twice or thrice causing Baekhyun's mother to rush in his bedroom and check on them.Jongin only stare in shock and embarassment of what he did.He immediately got out of room and house.He didnt talk to Baekhyun for the rest of the day and apologizes the day after the incident.Baekhyun forgives him immediately and understanding his boyfriend.They just talk about it and ended up to wait for Baekhyun to be ready which Jongin just nod in response.
    "Hey Jong, Hey Baek" Chanyeol greets the couple while holding Kyungsoo's hand.Kyungsoo stares in Jongin awkwardly and taller does the same.
    "Hey how are you two?" Baekhyun ask not noticing the awkward stare that Jongin and Kyungsoo was sharing.
    "Fine and happy right baby?" Chanyeol replies and asks causing his boyfriend to cut his stare in Jongin and to shift on him, smiling and nodding cutely.
    "yeah we are .. how about you two?" Kyungsoo answers back staring at Baekhyun.
    "same .. fine and happy" Baekhyun replies starting to walk off with them.He notice how Kyungsoo is limping on his steps and clinging more to Chanyeol to guide him while walking."why are you limping?" he asks, while Jongin stares worriedly knowing he is the cause of it.
     "he slip off after he got out on the shower" Chanyeol answers for Kyungsoo who just nod in agreement while looking at the sun-kissed male assuring he was fine.
     "ohh .. be careful next time" Baekhyun says smiling kindly at Kyungsoo that mutter 'thanks' to him.


Nasty Kyungsoo and Jongin *sighs* poor ChanBaek they dont have an idea that their boyfriends are cheating on them .. how could you Kaisoo!! but I love you both still :3
Anyway thank you for reading!
saranghajaaaaaa :*

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