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"Heroes are made when you make a choice" -Superchick

When you hear the word "hero", what do you think of? Do you think of a someone with a cape? Do you think of someone who can see through buildings and move cars with their pinky? What if you knew the people you go to school with were heroes?

Now 's the time to reflect on everything you've done and been through. Have you ever bullied someone? Have you ever been bullied? Have you watched someone being bullied? Did you do anything? Have you spoken about someone behind their back? Have you judged someone based on their looks?

How many times did you say yes?

Sometimes there are people who don't fit in. Sometimes they don't agree with others' opinions, and then they become an outcast. Sometimes the don't wear the "right thing", sometimes they don't speak as well, but if they do anything against someone else or see things differently, they're immediately labeled.

Being an outcast isn't fun. You're constantly reminded why you're an outcast. You're different.

Since when is being different a bad thing? Why can't we cherish differences? Why being a clone of what's expected better than being who you really are?

People feel bad about being different. They feel bad about being who they are. That's how fucked up society is. They give you impossible standards. Society makes things in a way where you're never perfect.

This may sounds harsh, but you need to know a few things.

No matter what, people will find something wrong with you.

You're never going to be perfect in the eyes of someone else.

No one can accept you if you don't accept yourself.

Fight against society.

Make your own society.

Make your own rules.

Society shouldn't define who you become.

Those people who stand up against society, they're heroes.

That girl who decided to keep fighting on, keep fighting against the taunts thrown at her everyday, she's a hero.

The guy who stood up for a younger peer being bullied, he's a hero.

They may not shoot lasers out of their eyes, but they have their own superpower.


You maybe say you have it, but would you really stand up against the in-crowd, for someone else. Would you put yourself on the line? Are you a hero?

In the end, it's your choice on what you do. On what you decide. Choose what you want. The sad thing is, wants are usually blinded for superficial things.

It's YOUR life, live it.

It's YOUR choice, choose what you want.

It's YOUR voice, use it.

You can be a hero, after all, heroes are made when you make a choice.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2013 ⏰

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