Chapter 2

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I slammed my locker shut.


Turning I gave out a short yelp. The figure that stood before me regarded me with amused eyes and had a crooked smile on his lips.


“Hello, love.”


I smiled.


And I aimed my knee to his crotch but before I could, unfortunately, do any damage he anticipated my attack and quickly dodged it and maneuvered himself before me once again but I noticed that he made sure there was more room between us.


“That was uncalled for.” He now looked at me with caution. Like he should always watch me with.


“That’s what you get.” I gave him a malicious glare before heading off.


“And I thought you were smiling at me because you were glad to see me. Not because you were going to rid me off producing beautiful babies.”


He easily kept pace me with me with his long strikes.


I huffed and rolled my eyes. “Beautiful babies my arse.”


“What do you think you’re doing?” I demanded after we continued walking together after several attempts of me losing him.


“You’re not supposed to be here.”


“What do you mean? I can’t be here at my own school?”


“No. You know exactly what I mean. You can’t be here with me.”


“Ellie.” He spun me around to face him. “Isn’t this going on for too long?”


“Is what going on? There is nothing going on.” I snapped. “Point is I don’t want to see you here. With me. Right now.”


“You’re being ridiculous, you know?” His voice dropped.


“No. You’re wrong. I don’t know what happened that made you think that this is okay now.” I stared at him. Hard. “If you don’t like this, you don’t have to put up with it. In fact I didn’t even know it mattered to you. You can leave for all I care.”


“That was harsh.” He looked at me with his stormy grey eyes.


No, he wasn’t that kind of boy who cast his eyes down and slumped his shoulders when rejected by a girl.


Instead he was the kind that stared right into you.  Eyes steady and unwavering. Fierce and dangerous.


Rejection wasn’t a possibility. He was waiting for me to change my mind, to take back what I said, say sorry.


But I wasn’t that kind of girl.

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