Prologue/Chapter 1

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And I let him go.

Ignoring the freezing water that was pelting my skin, ignoring the car that past by managing to splash water on me, I managed to force a smile on my face as I let the only boy I had ever loved go.

I let the hot water beat down on me and I tried not to remember. I tried not to think about the way my heart would never be the same. As much as I wanted to, as much as I needed to, I did not allow myself to cry.

I slammed the knob off. I let out a breath that I had apparently seemed to be holding. Small droplets of water still trickled down on my head.

One thing I accepted. I would never be the same.

I grabbed the towel hanging off the rack and wrapped myself in its warmth. Drying my hair off with another I quickly ran a brush through and threw the towel down on the floor. There was no more use for it. Just like there was no more use hanging on to past memories that will only hurt me more.

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