Chapter2️⃣5️⃣ Sophie Please

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Shaking my head at his stupidity. "It's big bad wolf. And your a dragon?" I ask.

"Same thing," he waved it off. "RARR!"

My kids begin screaming and begging me to set them on the floor. Quickly I set them and they begin running around.

"BE CARFUL!" I shout after them as they continue running.

"Morning mum," Ella sad coming up to me.

"Morning," I reply as she hugs me.

I let her go and kiss her forehead. She sits and begins eating her eggs.

"Selena! SELENA!"



Three screams come from my two kids and fiancé.

"SELENA! Come quick!" Eric yells followed by cries.

Hurriedly me and Ella run to them. Entering the living room. The sight in fort of me breaks me.

"What- what happened?" Ella yells. I run to my baby and see she's bleeding just below her hairline.

"Sophie was running and tripped over the carpet. She banged her head on the corner of the coffee table when she fell down," Eric explains.

Sophie was crying historically. Her arms were out reaching for me. Blood everywhere. Quickly I pick her up.

"Ella. Get Sophie's Princess Bag they behind her door. It has cloths and her little toys. Double check for her things. Once you get it run to Mars room. Grab his Batman bag that's behind his door. Hand it to him and let him carry it. Double check if it had his extra cloths and iPad. Go into Merc's  room get her Princess bag. Double check if it has everything. Hand it to her. Let them both out their shoes on. Meet us down stairs. Merc, Mars. Go with her."

Quickly the three of them scrabble. "Eric-" I'm brutally cut off by him.

"Selena. Don't you dare ask me to do anything. I'm coming you and Soph. It's my fault," he sternly says.

Nodding I rush us to the kitchen. "Eric grab the  ice," I tell him setting Sophie on the counter.

Still crying Sophie pulls me back to her when I try leaving to grab the tissues. "Shh, it's okay honey."

"Nohh!" She cries. She wraps her arms around me letting her blood land on my shirt.

"Sophie," I try talking to her. She lets go but continues crying.

I place the ice on her head and she screams. She pushes my hands and yells. "Sophie. Sophie, please," I beg.

Shaking her head she screams louder. Eric comes in with his coat and shoes on. Carrying mine and Sophie's shoes and coats.

Screaming louder Sophie scratches my hands away from pushing the ice on her forehead.

Eric places the things on the counter and motions for me to put it on. He hold Sophie and tried to put the ice on her but struggles.

I quickly put my coat and shoes on in record timing. Taking Sophie from Eric I quickly put her shoes on and try to put her coat on but she screams louder.

Forcing it on her she begins crying more. Ella and the twins come running into the room.

"Let's go."

We all run to the elevator. The twins looking petrified. Ella looking just as scared. Eric with a look or guilt and worry.

Once the elevator makes a ting I can't help but pout.

Fast walking out the elevator we get worried looks from people all around us. Mainly because of the blood on mine and Eric's shirt. And the crying/screaming baby with blood trickling down her face that I was holding.

"What happened?" Derek asks.

"Sophie fell and hit her head!" Ella yells as we run out the door.

Someone hands Eric the keys and Eric quickly places Merc and Mars in their car seat and buckles hem in. Ella sits in the front with all the bags. While I sit in the back with a crying Sophie in my arms.

Eric begins driving while Sophie screams in the back. Taking a look at the clock it's only 8 AM.

Sophie screams so loud and moves around in my arms. My heart breaks.

She cries and cried and I let teas leak down my face.

"Sophie. Baby, please," I whisper.



Ik it isn't that good, hey I tried 😂😋

Anyways it'll get better.

Lot of love for my bubbies 😋❤️❤️

Mother To My SisterNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ