Chapter 2

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"So, tell us about your niece," Dan demanded at the table. We had all been invited for lunch at Arin and Suzy's a few weeks after my near slip. Dan had repeatedly asked about my 'niece' since then and I had avoided being alone with him; I didn't expect him to ask in such a public setting.
"It's just we've been working together for a good few months and you hardly ever mention her," he continued.
"Oh she's great," I replied, attempting to evade the question.
"What's her name? What's she like?" He pressed.
"Her name's Georgia and, like I said, she's great," I looked down into my food, avoiding everyone's suspicious gazes.
"How old is she?" Suzy asked, oblivious to Dan's play. I was fully aware that he was trying to find out where I actually went at nights.
"She's... 13. She's really into music and science,"
"Maybe we could speak with her about getting into music later in life,"
"Uh... I think she really wants to do science when she's older. Physics, I think."
"Oh physics? Well Brian could speak with her then,"
"Dan, stop it,"
"I'm just saying if she's really into physics then she could speak with Brian,"
"Dan, please,"
"C'mon it'd be great for her she cou-"
"I said stop it, Dan," I raised my voice. I never raise my voice. I looked up to see Dan's mouth had formed an 'o' shape with traces of guilt floating in his eyes. Suzy put her hand on my shoulder.
"You know, you can tell us anything, right?"
"No, I can't," I got up, put my coat on and slammed the door behind me.


I was shocked, guilty; I hadn't meant to upset her. In the few months that I'd known her I'd learned that she was a quiet, shy person, so her outburst was completely unexpected. The slam of the door pulled me back to reality.
"Dan, what the hell?" Barry questioned. I looked over at Suzy and saw her feeling visibly upset by Fiona's words.
"I- I didn't... mean to upset her. I just-"
"You just what?"
"I thought it wasn't a big deal,"
"She asked you to stop. Repeatedly. What the hell is wrong with you?"
"I don't know," I sighed.
"Look, dude, you gotta make it up to her,"
"Yeah, I- I'll talk to her tomorrow,"
"Good, now, Suzy? Are you alright?" Arin pulled her in for a hug.
"Yeah, yeah I'm fine just- a little hurt that she says she can't talk to us,"
"We all are, Suz."

I need to fix this. At least I'm going out with Barry tonight so that can take my mind off things.


Breathe in.
Breathe out.
You are hot. You are sexy. You are gonna be the best damn dancer out there tonight.
"Give it up for Angel Toweeeeeeer!" I hear the announcer give me the cue and the music start playing. I ignore the heels digging into my feet and the uncomfortable stares from the middle aged men whose wives don't know they're here and the bachelor party at the very edge of the stage.
'Come here rude boy, boy can you get it up' I grab hold of the pole and start my routine. I hear the wolf whistles and disgusting comments from the bachelor party but I tune it out. I spin round the pole one last time and finish by thrusting my head backwards and winking at the obvious groom-to-be. His friends all thought this was hilarious and thus made even more comments about how he should be careful his fiancée doesn't find out.
'Na na na come on na na na come on'
I stand up and make my way over to the party, they're always the best tippers.
"Hello, boys," I greet them seductively.
"Hey, baby,"
"Has one of you been very very bad?" I ask, almost repulsed by myself.
"Aw yeah, Damon here has come here without his future wife's permission,"
"Oh well I hope it's worth it," I turn around, swaying my ass cheeks to tease them.
"Aw come on,"
"No don't go,"
"Come on, baby," one pleads as I spin around and drop to the floor. I slowly stand up again, making sure my ass was close enough for them to touch. I strutted towards 'Damon' and stepped down from the stage before performing a full lap dance on him. My goal was usually to make them feel like they were the only ones in the room because then they think you've done a good job and tip well; some of them had already stuck a few dollar bills into my cleavage.
I got back up onto the stage and slowly removed my skirt so I was just in the top and tight booty shorts. I free styled on the pole for a little bit until I slipped my top off so I was just standing in my booty shorts and black lacy bra. It wasn't long until my shorts were torn off to reveal my black thong. I continued my performance, using the pole and multiple more lap dances until my 2 hours were up.
"Angel Tower everybody, isn't she just stunning?" The announcer received many whoops and shouts after I turned around, smiled, winked and blew a kiss to one of the men at the bachelor party.

I'd finished my shift, which including waiting on the tables with my tits half out, and set off to find Jade to give her a lift home. I found her outside the front of the building, or rather pressed up against the front of the building, with some guy. She giggled and turned to face me.
"Hey, I won't be needing a ride home," she was hardly able to hear because her face was soon captured by the man's. I sighed and hoped she would be alright before saying something about calling her tomorrow and leaving to find my car. I turned the corner and immediately smacked into someone; I pulled my coat closer to my body.
"Sorry I-, Fiona?" a familiar voice reached my ears. My blood ran cold and I felt goosebumps race down my skin. Dan looked down at me with my messy hair and smudged makeup. I could feel his eyes drinking in my appearance so I closed my coat even further and continued walking to my car.
"H- Hey, Fiona! Where are you going?" he shouted after me, clearly intoxicated. Thank God, hopefully he would forget tonight's events by tomorrow morning. I got into my car and looked in the mirror, I let out a sigh of relief. A tap at my window pulled me out of my self-loathing delusion. Danny. I rolled the window down and was bombarded with his breath.
"C- Could I get a r- ride home, please?" His eyes begged to me. Even with my mind tearing itself apart, I agreed and opened the passenger door for him. He looked at me with confusion, sadness and guilt floating around his face.
"You're a stripper," he concluded.
"You work here,"
"You're not looking after your niece,"
"Do you have a niece?"
"No, I was an only child,"
"I know that look," I turned towards him before returning my eyes to the road.
"It's not a good look, it's a hateful look and I know you don't hate me,"
"You never know, I could hate you,"
"You wouldn't've given me a ride home if you did," I couldn't help but agree with him.
"How did it happen?"
"How did what happen?"
"How did you become a stripper?" I was shocked, I hadn't thought he would care how it happened.
"Well, I needed the money and this girl Jade, my best friend, asked if I wanted to come and work with her and then she gave me a million reasons why I should and they out-weighed my handful,"
"What was in your handful?"
"It would make me a slut," I could feel him staring at me, not with sympathy but confusion.
"You don't need to worry about being a slut because being a slut isn't even a thing,"
"But I take my clothes off and dance on people for money,"
"It's just a job, it's not like you're doing it for free," he had a point. I stopped the car in the parking lot outside his apartment.
"You're beautiful, Fiona, don't let anyone tell you otherwise," he looked into my eyes. I couldn't believe he'd just said that, to me of all people. Suddenly, it felt as though all the wind was knocked out of me and I couldn't say a word in reply.
"Thanks for the ride home, see you tomorrow," he opened the car door and I watched him stumble into the building. I took a moment to compose myself and worry that he might remember some of this tomorrow. I hoped he wouldn't but, at the same time...

I hoped he would

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