Blaise and Theo

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Watch the video that my friend @orona101 (Subscribe to her/mine YouTube channel too!)

Draco's POV:

What the hell was Granger doing here. She said she loved me. That's gross.

"Would you like any of your other friends do to pick you up or do you want to go call your friend that just ran out?" The nurse said walking in

"She isn't my friend. So yes, I would like to call my other friends so they can pick me up." I said.

"Here is a phone" she said handing the phone over to me.

I called the people I knew, Blaise and Theo. I called them letting them know that I was in the hospital so they could pick me up.

After 30 minutes of waiting for them at the waiting room they came with the mudblood.

Theo ran to me.

"Oh my little Draco" he said hugging me.

"I can't believe he lost 1 year of his memory" Blaise said to Granger.

"Yeah I know..." she said and started crying again.

"Honey it's alright, you still love him and that's important because, you know, he could fall in love with you all over again" Theo said to Hermione.

"I never going to fall in love with that mudblood, I would rather die" I said after over-hearing their conversation. 

Theo's POV:

"I never going to fall in love with that mudblood, I would rather die" Draco said.

I gasped.

"Draco you know that we are all equal, pureblood or muggle born we are all the same, the war ended long ago and you know that , you only lost one year of your memory" Blaise said in his low sexy voice... well that's what I thought. Blaise and I are in a relationship, it started one month ago and I am very happy.

"Yeah Draco, Blaise is right. It does not matter was your blood is anymore. It only matter's what's in here" I said patting his heart."I know you still love Hermione, somewhere in you heart you love her" I said at Hermione, tears started forming in her eyes. "Draco just be nice to her, I know it's hard for you because you have no idea what happened this year but just be nice to Hermione, that's the only command I have" I said in a soft voice.

"Fine" Draco said a bit angrily.

I saw Hermione's face light up a bit.

"Should we go to our house?" I asked Blaise.

"Don't we need to bring Draco to our house because he doesn't remember Hermione." Blaise asked lifting the bag of clothes Hermione took for Draco so he could move to our house for a while.

"Hermione why don't you come and stay with us for a month or some week's" I asked.

"Well I don't know, I think I'd rather not" Hermione said.

"Theo just leave her alone, let's bring Draco home" Blaise said.

" Shut up Blaise... Please Hermione, it would be cool to have a girl in the house" I pleated.

"Fine I'll go, I just have to get some of my cloths... oh yeah also I have to get Timber, Draco's dog" she said.

"Why do you have my dog?" Draco asked her with anger in his voice.

"You guys used to live together , don't you remember anything" I asked Draco.

"No, I don't remember anything, I thought I was married to..." Draco said but did not finish because Blaise interrupted him.

"Dude you not married to Astoria, you ended things with her, you love Granger and you guys lived together, do you remember any of that?" Blaise 

"Wait" Draco started "I do remember..."


Haha cliffhanger, what do you think he remembers. Something about Hermione? Find out soon tomorrow or next week. I may be able to do the update tomorrow but I am not sure about it.

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