Chapter 3

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I woke up the next morning and started scrolling through Instagram. Then, I got a text from Avi. It's said: "hey babe." Babe? I thought to myself. When did he start calling me that? Then my phone rang. "Hello?" I asked. "Hi" said Scott. "I was just wondering if you wanted to come over?" "S- sure" I said not knowing what to do. After a few minutes I go to Scott's house. I knock on the door. After a second Scott grabs my hand,pulls me in and close the door. Right when I enter, our lips meet. He put his hand around my waist, but I just stood still. I started breathing heavily as he pulled me to the couch. We both sat down, I stared into his beautiful blue eyes blinking in the sunlight. We were about to kiss again until... "Bing!" My phone went of. I was about to go answer it but Scott grabbed my wrist pulling me back into a long kiss. "Scott-" I said pulling back for a second. We started giggling as we stared into each other's eyes. Then we walked to the table where my phone was placed. I checked my messages, a text from Avi. "I stopped by at your apartment and you weren't there?" I stupidly read it out loud. "Your not going back to him, right?" I swallowed hard, my mind racing. "If you want, you can stay for the night" he said. I couldn't tell if he had an expression on his face. I agreed feeling terrible for Avi.

HEY GUYS! So sorry for not updating in a while. Writers block. Next chapter will be the sleepover w/ Scott and Kirst. (Ps. HAPPY BIRTHDAY KIRST!)

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