Kurenai smiled."Hinata." Then Kurenai pointed to Naruto. "Your turnNaruto."

Naruto smiles his fox-like/lady killer smile. Every girl, even Kurenai, blushes slightly as he does this. "Well, my name is Naruto Uzumaki. My likes are my precious people, my team, ramen, training, and having a good time with friends. My dislikes are those who judge people they don't really know, arrogant people who believe their family name orrelation to someone makes them better or superior to others,fan-girls, and most importantly I hate anyone who hurts one of my precious people. My hobbies are training, playing around with friends, learning new skills, helping my friends, trying new foods,and practicing with my bloodline. My dream for the future is to build my clan and pass on my bloodline to my descendants and protect my home and precious people." Naruto stated with a smile.

"Wait WHAT!"Sakura shouted. "Y-You have a bloodline?"

Ino and Hinata were equally stunned. Kurenai tilted her head to the side in a cute way."The Hokage did mention it before I arrived to pick you all up. So,Naruto, what is it and what does it do?" She asked.

The other three girls leaned forward to hear his answer.

Naruto sweatdropped andsmiled. "Um well I guess I should tell you since we're on the same team.They listened carefully.

Naruto looked to the mid-day sky. "Have you ever just looked at the stars?" He asked.

"Huh?" Ino asked."What does that have to do with anything?"

Naruto looked at her."Around many of those stars are planets like ours and on those planets are different forms of life. Plants, animals, peoples. That is my bloodline." Naruto stated truthfully.

The four women werestumped. "U-Um Naruto-kun, w-what do y-you mean?" Hinata asked shyly. She had to fight to keep from blushing too hard and fainting.

"Well Hinata-chan,"she nearly fainted at that, "my bloodline gives me the power of most of those beings that live around those stars." Naruto stated.

"So, wait are you saying you're an alien?" Sakura asked, not believing a word and thinking that maybe Naruto had finally lost it.

"No and yes Sakura, I mean that I can become them.And that i am a half alien on my Father's side anyway" Naruto corrected.

"Come on Naruto, you can't be serious. I mean aliens? Please! And you being half alien ha very funny" Ino said with a disbelieving expression on her face.

"I must admit Naruto," Kurenai interjected, "it does sound far fetched." She also began to wonder about both Narutos' and the Hokages' sanity.

Naruto sighed. "Well,I might as well show you." Naruto stood up and moved away from the rocks, he motioned for them to follow him. The all stood up andfollowed behind them. When they were in a nice clearing, Naruto stopped and motioned for them to stand a few feet back.

They complied, but were confused about what Naruto was going to do.

Naruto sent chakra to his eyes and made a motion with his eyes and stopped at a image and blinked in.

A blinding flash of green light which caused the girls to close their eyes. When the flash died down,they opened their eyes to look at Naruto.

They gasped at what they saw. Standing where Naruto was before was a huge man-shaped creature wearing an all-black sleeveless shirt and all black pants and boots. Its' body looked like a crystal carved into a human shape. It had two large, jagged, crystal spike sticking out it's back and bright, yellow eyes. It was easily eight or nine feet tall and looked muscular, or would if it had anything they'd be able to recognize as muscles.

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