word of thanks

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Reading is a key to imagination. It makes us pounder upon those things we never thought existed and hence it influence us. Both Practicaly and mentaly.

The first book that motivated me is "The Eternal Ishq, In Your Love" by abdofRahman
The certain Abd of ArRahmaan has Been gifted with the rare ability to incite the readers towards Deen. MashaAllah.

The book has taught me the Defination of Ikhlaas. Sincearity. May ArRahman bestow his abaundance of mercy on this very AbdOfRahman. May he elevate her status both in Duniya as well as in Akhira.

Its my all time favourite read Even though few have claimed it to be too perfect and unrealistic, little do they know that when you aim for 110% you will score full 100%.

The protogonist, Humaira was a model for me apperantly who was claimed to be potrayed as too perfect in the novel. Gradually My model turned to my aim and subhanAllah only by the will and mercy of ArRahman I was able to learn the fundemantal tajweed of qurane majeed in an year. I know its not anything much but the fact that this book was behind being motivated and so willing to read kalame pak accurately is what is intented to convey

The reason for mentioning this is to highlight the impact The book can bring in the life of the reader solely by the Will of the lords of the worlds.

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