When he pulled back his own teeth were shining with silver. The taste was atrocious. There was blood running down his hand and arm, and it took all Denaii had not to lose it completely. He had started breathing heavily, which was a strange sight for a vampire who’s heart normally didn’t beat at all, and his eyes were even more vibrant than they were but a few minutes ago.

“Before I change my mind.” Villahr held out his bloodied arm to the vampire who looked at it, up at Karolinna almost in disbelief and then to the other male as if asking for permission. If that’s what he had been doing he didn’t wait too long for an answer because within seconds he grabbed a hold of Villahr’s appendage and was slotting his own fangs into the holes that had been just made.

Denaii’s eyes fluttered closed with positive relish as the sweet metallic tang flooded his mouth like juices from a fresh fruit. Villahr winced a little as the dark one’s fangs jostled a little in his skin with excitement and fervour; gratitude for the delicious meal he had been presented with.

Villahr could feel the male sucking at the wound to draw out as much vitality as he could. His tongue swiped repeatedly over the holes, and he swallowed down every drop that he pulled back into his mouth. 

Blood only still seeped from the markings because the vampire’s fangs were there to hold their place, like a jam in a door to keep it from closing. He gripped the elna’s arm so tightly that he was creating new tears in the flesh with his talons. He would have eagerly licked up every trickle and drop that fell from them as well if he weren’t so preoccupied with the main source, pouring blood into his gullet like water from a hose; why bother with leaks in the fibers when the stream was still running strong from the nozzle?

The vici watched with the slightest spark of confusion in his sparkling blue eyes as the blood-sucker lifted a hand whilst he still fed, and pressed it against Villahr’s chest. This is something that had become habit, checking pulse points, and if that was too dim to detect, then the heart directly. It wasn’t as easy to detect waning in Vicio Denaii noted, because their hearts worked so slowly, the beats few and far between, it was difficult to say for sure whether it had stopped completely or was simply coming up on a new pulse.

Denaii gripped the fabric of Villahr’s shirt tightly, as if he were trying to reach through it, through the elna’s chest and grab the organ itself. His hand pressed hard against the pectoral muscle there and Villahr had to drop a foot back a step to reinforce his balance a bit more. When he realized what it was Denaii was doing he started a steady rhythm of in and out, sucking the air in around him deeply, to help make it easier to read the signs of his body.

It was a good while before the vampire actually dropped his hand from Villahr’s chest, and removed his teeth from the delicate flesh of his wrist. The wounds were deeper and much more vicious looking when he had finished, reminding Karolinna, who was watching from a few steps away, of what a bite might look like from a rabid dog; chomping down with all its might and shaking his head widely to free the arm from it’s socket.

Denaii hadn’t had the time to produce the proper amount of paralytic within the venom of his fangs, since the last thing he had expected was an offering such as this, so Villahr had felt every minute of it, though he was careful not to show it on his face save for a wince or a similar facial tick of pain now and again. The area throbbed slightly, but was already pulling itself closed. Trace amounts of the numbing agent that the vampire was able to provide to make the feed less painful, had slowed the normal speed of healing, but not by much.

Denaii licked his lips to gather any of the greyish liquid that might have remained, and quickly pulled the muscle back into his mouth. His eyes were still closed, savouring the taste. Animal blood to a hungry vampire could be the equivalent to a piece of cold pizza to a man who had previously been lost in the wilderness with no sustenance for days. 

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