kozume kenma [i want a cat]

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"I want a cat that we can both keep," you demanded to your boyfriend, who was playing in his POP, as usual.

"Huh? Why are you asking for that out of the blue?" Kenma asked, curious of your sudden request.

"Because!" You rest your cheek on your hand. "Just having cats in Neko Atsume isn't enough.."

He still continued playing, obviously unmoved by your reason, but you went on anyway.

"And as much as I'd want to keep a real one, my apartment won't allow animals.."

"Mhm.. " he replied, too focused on his game to be talking to the likes of you.

"That's why, we'll buy a cat!" you slammed both of your hands in the table, surprising Kenma and making him lose the game.

"I'll let it stay in your house, but I'll come often to take care of it. ~" you triumphantly say with a thumbs-up.

He deadpanned at you. "Since when did I get involved in this.." he says, then starts another round of the game.

"C'mon! It's a win-win situation! I get to keep a cat, and you get to be with me almost every day. ~" you hug him,.

"No, it's not.."

"What?! You don't want to be with me? That's so mean, Kenma!" you dramatically pushed him away, making him lie on his side. You were surprised that he was still playing, unfazed by your sudden outburst.

"That's not it.." still not looking at you, he says, "I'm actually.. allergic to animals."

"Eh." You tilt your head to the side and took a few seconds to realize what he said. "NOOOOOO!"

"We can just play video games instead of playing with cats.."


"On the other hand," he pauses his game and stands up to get something from his drawer. He takes out a cat-ears hairband and puts it on. "I can just wear this."

He went back, sat beside you and stared at you with his cat-like eyes. "Now, pet me."

"That's..." you mumble, "that's so cuteeee! ♡"

You hug him, pressing your cheek to his, and ruffled his hair, "From now on, you are my personal cat: Kenmeow! ~"

Extended ending #1:
"Okay. So that means you'll feed me, pet me and care for me 24/7. As an owner, you will pay for my expenses until you have no more money and you must feed me your food until you die of hunger."

"W-what the heck."

"Meow. ~"

Extended ending #2:
"So cuteee ~" you cooed. "Wait, why do you have this?"

"Part-time job.."


"I was kidding. I got it from an Anime convention," I thought it might look good on you but I ended up wearing it.. Kenma thought.

Haikyuu!! x reader one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now