The government

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I'm in the cell alone for probably a few hours. I know I could break free whenever I want to but I decide to stay put and contemplate what's happened in the past day.

  The next day comes along. Bright sunlight streams through my bared window. An officer comes and detains me. They take me to be questioned. They sit me down and ask "who are you?" I say "Mr. Fuckboi." Jokingly". They get angry and hot me with a baton. "I'm not playing fucking games kid, now tell who you are and why the Mogadorians want you." "Oh shit, how does he know about Mogs?" I think. My face goes serious. "Oh yea" he says. "We know about the Mogadorians." A chill run down my back. A decide to shut up.

  They try force me to talk but I refuse. They put me back in my cell. I plan my escape, it won't be hard there isn't very much protection.

(sorry the chapters are so short, they'll get longer as the story progresses)

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2016 ⏰

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