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Now to start this off, I'm considered a nerd and always have been. I get don't picked on that much. I live in New York City and pretend to have parents, in reality I have a huge apartment to my self. But I'm getting sidetracked here. I don't get picked on that much. However I remember in 6th grade, while I was living in California  a group of Mexican-American gangsters came up to me after school. About 15 of them. And intimidating group but, I knew I would be fine. Classic bullies, they wanted to annoy the living shit out of me and take my money. I ran from them, atleast they thought. I was actually leading them away from cameras and witnesses. I drew them into the woods and that's when I started kicking ass. The first one came to swing at me but I dodged it just by a simple duck. The next thing I know my foot made connection with is jaw, he was out cold. One of his goonies came over to me thinking it was some kind of mistake. Before he even knew what was happening my fist hit hard on his nose. Most likely severely breaking it. The other want to be gangsters said something along the lines of "ah nah nigga, not today.". They all ran away exept the guys I beat up. I told once they I kicked on the jaw woke up I told him to make sure that him and his buddies saw nothing. They agreed and left. That group never picked on me again.
  I always thought that I was made to learn. But I honestly love to fight. I plan to fight along side the Garde when they are ready. I just have to make sure to stay in shape.

  Now that that's over with I should probably give you a list of my developed legacies. Telekinesis, lumen, invisibility, night vision, super hearing, super speed, anti gravity, teleportation, shape shifting, the ability to breath under water, flight, external the ability to take the form of what ever I'm touching, and healing.

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