TsukkiYama Drabble

468 33 20

requested by~ black_sapphire_
haaaaa I needed to write fluff
and since I wrote sin for this ship I had to write the fluff too

   Tsukishima had been asleep for hours, having gone to bed at 11 pm with Yamaguchi. But Yama was still awake, and sleep was not predicted in his future at all. His mind was racing, full of concerns for the next few days; practice, his big test in English, the piano lessons that would be starting...

   He had attempted to curl up into a small ball, thinking the compactness may somehow increase his tiredness, but alas it was to no avail. So now he was in an awkward ball shape, tears rolling down his puffy red cheeks, and trying to not wake the lovely angel that lay next to him.

   It was slightly hard when the sudden gasp from sobbing came out though, and Tsukki shot up in confusion. Yama immediately went silent, trying to allow the blonde to fall back asleep quickly. He didn't lay back down, he didn't fall back asleep.

   He wrapped both arms around the dark-haires boy, and whispered six, perfect words.

   "I will never let you go."

Haikyuu!! CrackHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin