1| A Pair of Eyes

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I chucked my head back and had my hand clasping the microphone thrown up for my final dramatic pose. My last words vibrating through the speakers around the arena. Confetti poured down from the ceiling, creating an ocean of colours. I was instantly met with a huge wave of screaming fans and cheers bringing a natural smile onto my face.

"Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed the concert tonight?"

In return I heard a chorus of 'Dez' 'Dez' 'Dez'.

"Okay, Okay, I'm glad you liked it, that last song was a new single of mine that just came out today, so you guys were lucky to have heard that tonight."

"Now I'm sorry to say but that was it guys! I'll be singing in France next Friday as part of my world tour!" I informed them, the smile never once leaving my face, only growing in size as the time passes.

"I love you guys, you were the best audience ever. Goodnight Chicago!"

I exited the stage with the band not too far behind after receiving their own praise of glory. 

"Guys that was amazing! I swear you keep on getting better with every show. Soon you could perform without me." I winked. 

I knew this was true thought, the positive attitudes they posses, the bright gleam in their eyes. They could be playing for artists bigger than me.

"Thank you!" 

"Please, never." 

"You're our favourite singer to perform with."

"If you insist, I'll start my own one man band next week!"

I laughed with them, instigating the after show group hug. One of our many rituals. Despite the smell of sweet sweat and sticky bodies this was safe, this was family. 

"Guys lets go out for dinner. This is our last night here in the city of Chicago before we head home, and I still haven't tried their famous pizza's or hotdogs!"

They all nodded their heads eager to eat, we had defiantly worked up an appetite. Pretty sure our stomachs could form their own choir. 

We packed our belongings and continuously thanked the stadium crew then proceeded out the back door, where there wouldn't be any screaming fans to trample us. The silence at the back of the building was startling contrasting to the front. 

We all climbed into our rental cars and drove off towards the closet private restaurant that we found. Shortly arriving at 'Devine Dinner'. I jumped out of the passenger seat of the car barely catching myself from face planting the sidewalk. I nervously laughed despite the sniggers of my crew, eager to begin the relaxation. I linked my arms with two of the guys and practically bounced all the way inside. Both trying to minimise my girlie sway.

"Six seats please, in a private room" I said smiling at the lady who was at front seating everyone.

"Oh wow, your Dez. Dez, Dez is in our Diner" She gasped, her eyes growing bigger and bigger by the second. I just had to laugh at her crumbling composure. 

"It's always nice meeting a fan, if you can squeeze us into an empty room I'm sure my manager can hook you up with some tickets" I said, giving her my award winning smile. Despite my nature to always give, my stomach is demanding for food asap. 

I watched as shock passed her before a moment passed and she lapsed into a haze of typing and scrolling on her screen. "Oh. I'm so sorry. We're all booked" she let out, deflated. 

"But wait, there is one half empty room if you don't mind sharing."

"Sure, no problems!" I was willing to just eat on the floor, I was literally too hungry to think. Plus I was in such a good mood for some reason. Probably because I just finished another show off my tour and I'm still on a high but all well.

"Please follow me" she barely whispered / squealed.

"If I didn't know better I'd think your taking us out back to kill us and feed us to your customers" I joked. Everyone just seemed to laugh at me. 

The lady opened the door for us, stepping aside as we filed into the room. Cautious to the chatter going on inside, noting their abrupt stop as a large crowd of strangers walked in I tried to duck my head behind one of my members. 

"Dez you alright girl?" my drummer asked weirded out as to why I was pressing my forehead against his shoulder blade.

I covered my mouth with my hand to muffle my laughing. I nodded my head against him which caused him discomfort as he tried to move away from me. But alas, my grip was solid. I pushed him to the direction of the only empty table in the room as I noticed our waiter talking to the original occupants of this room. 

Letting go of my shield I sat down in my seat, shaking the hair away from my face. 

"Hey Dez-" I looked up directly in front of me to look at the owner of that voice when my vision went well behind and beyond her. What I saw made my mouth fall open and my eyes go wide in complete shock. 

There on the other side of the room sat four males that I once knew so well that I had believed I knew them as well as the back of my hands. At that moment the waiter uttered my name to them and their heads shot in my direction. Before I knew what was happening the five of us were in an intense stare off. 

I didn't realise until my head started to hurt that I stopped breathing and at this moment I became aware that now was the perfect time to continue my respiratory system.

In. Out. In. Out. I told myself as I stared at them like a deer in headlights. I tore my gaze as my shoulder was being tapped. I looked down at my hands finding them quiet fascinating all of a sudden. After waiting an appropriate amount of seconds, which seemed like hours, to avoid awkward eye contact I cautiously looked back up. A wash of relief flooded through my body as I scanned each body to see their own set of eyes focused elsewhere. But as I quickly skimmed past each head one pair of eyes stared back into mine. 

Eyes so green you'd have thought you were staring into a field of spring grass. Eyes so perfectly shaped you could fall in love with just one glimpse. Eyes so strong they made you feel weak. And they did. I had fallen with these same eyes. The same eyes that promised me hundreds of dreams and whispers. The same eyes that eventually and surely broke my heart. The same now cold eyes that caused a pit of hatred to form in my stomach. 

A pair of eyes that belonged to Kyle Mack.


hey guys hoped you liked it! :)




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